
Contemporary Media Regulation

  • U - The Universal rating was introduced and so was A

  • H rating was introduced

    indicated horror was advisory
  • X - was introduced

    old H was incorporated, limited audience to those over 16 years old
  • A and AA and X

    A - advisory, parents cautioned that film may not be suitable for young children, AA - admission to children of 14 years or over, X raised from 16 to 18
  • video recorders were introduced

  • Introduction of PG,15,18 and R18

  • The video recordings Act

    Its passed and the bbfc becomes the designated authority for rating videos for suitability within the home. The bbfc becomes the british board of film classification
  • Hungerford Massacre 1987

    Supposedly influenced by the film Rambo
  • Tim Burton's Batman becomes the first 12 rated film in cinema

  • Jamie Bulger case

    The BBFC is asked to pay 'special regard to any harm that may be caused to potential viewers or society' in any given video or video game. Childs play 3 supposedly influenced the killings
  • All band films became avalible

  • The 12 category for cinema is replaced with 12A

    The First film that got this rating was Bourne Identity