
Communication in History

  • Jan 1, 1450

    Printing press

    Printing press Gutenburg invented an actual printing press in 1450. He was the first to use a press to print the Bible, the oldest full length volume printed. Two factors operated to accelerate the spread of Renaissance culture after 1450:growing economic prosperity and the printing press.
  • Typewriter

    Typewriter Englishman Henry Mill filed a vaguely-worded patent for " and artifical machine or method for the impressing or transcribing of letters singly or progressively one after another."But the first typewriter proven to have work was built by the Italian Pellegrino turri in 1808 for his blind friend Countess Carolina Fantoni da Fivizzano; unfortunately, we don't know what machine looked like, but we do have specimens of letters witten by Countess on it.
  • Telegraph

    Telegraph 1831 the first electric telegraph was created by Joseph Henry. and in 1832 Samuel Morse invented morse code. The telegraph would translate morse code to English. The government would use morse code to give informantion to eachother.
  • Telephone

    Telephone Graham Bell created the telephone in Boston. 120 years laterr there was over 360 million telephone numbers and each year it grows. Through out the years our society developed better Telephones.
  • Computer

    Computer was the first commercially produced electronic digital computer. The UNIVACI which stood for Universal Automatic Computer was developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly makers of ENIAC the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. These giant computers, which used thousands of vacuum tubes for computation, were the forerunners of today's digital computers.
  • Internet

    Internet 1973 global computer network emerged, providing information and communication through out the world. The internet was helped created by alot of people. Throw out the years the internet we know now was developed through hard work and creativity.
  • Skype

    Skype is a software that allows you to call people on computers or phones. The creaters of skype is Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis. On the first day there was 10,000 users and in a month there was over a million people using skype.