
  • 150 BCE

    Smoke signals

    Smoke signals
    One of the oldest forms of visual communication. Invented by Greek Historian Polybius in 150 BC. But was first used in 200 BC.
  • 8 BCE


    The communication of handwritten letters began in the 8th century. Letters are less commonly use today, they're mostly now use for bills.
  • 1101

    messenger pigeons

    messenger pigeons
    Pigeons were used to deliver messages from Egypt to farther cities in the 12th century. This type of communication was designed by Sultan Nur-ed-din. (early Twitter)
  • Telegraph

    Invented by Samuel Morse, the telegraph worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations.
  • Telephone

    The first telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell.
  • Email

    Created by Ray Tomlinson invented in 1972.
  • Sms

    Invented by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert. The first sms message was sent in December 3rd, 1992.
  • social media

    social media
    The first social media site named "six degrees" created in 1997.