Coldwar Timeline Dakota Moore

  • German unification

    Germany had made themselves a nation state. Was the climax for the ending of the cold war. While having democracy in central europe and ending socialism and the soviet union.
  • yalta conference

    was a meeting with the prime minister of britain, Stalin, and Franklin Roosevelt. They formed a Soviet- US cooperation into the coldwar,
  • trumen doctrine

    Was a policy from a speech by Trumen. US would medically and millitary aid greece and turkey. This made Turkey and greece favor capitalism instead of communism. Again all this to prevent Communism.
  • The Marshall Plan

    It stopped comminism from entering west germany. After war there were many destructions and fees to pay. It was good the germany was against communism because as germany is neighboring two nations that were could not have been good.
  • Berlin Airlift

    when germany was divided into four sections. Soviet-occupied zone, an American-occupied zone, a British-occupied zone and a French-occupied zone. Berlin was the capital of the germany
  • NATO

    cooperative, mutual-defense treaty against the threat of Soviet invasion from Eastern Europe, which included most of the nations of Western Europe, plus Canada and the United States. this prevents soviet from any attmept of invading.
  • USSR Atomic bomb

    Soviet Union conducted its first weapon test of an implosion-type nuclear device. stalin tried the best he could to make the powerful and cheap bomb. it scared others and made them wanna prepare self atomic weapons for defense
  • Rosenberg spy case

    The announcement of the security of the spy case scared others and made people concern about the threat of communism.
  • The korean War Begining

    The war was between two superpowers. North korea(democratic) attacked southern(non-democrat) and it was conflict between own nation, but soviet basically controlled one part and US controlled the other so again! another fight between US and soviet, Capitalism and Communism.
  • Korean War end

    There was no conflict to the end. Korea was still divided into two. But US got to use there stragedy of containment. Macarthur got kicked from positon by Trumen. (Cause of poor choice of war stragedy, he was kinda an idiot.)
  • Warsaw pact

    a military alliance between Finland, the USSR, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia supporting communism. it was used to attack capitalism that was in europe
  • Hungarian uprising

    was a spontaneous nationwide revolt against the government of the Hungarian People's Republic. this keeped the soviet to keep a grasp on territories they had.
  • Sputnik

    earths 1st satelitte launched by soviet. this made others worry but wonder about what else future space based ideas could be created,
  • Nikita Kruschev comes to power

  • U2 incident

    a United States U-2 spy plane was shot down over the airspace of the Soviet Union. US said it was only for surveillance. but they found imporant pictures of russain bases.
  • Bay of pigs invasion

    It is what set up the cuban missle crisis.. making kenndey insecure and unable to decide to either support and not support the invasion. he believed the solution was to have nuclear weapons ready to protect america, making scenario scary know that by a touch of a button the us and Russia could be blown up.
  • Berling wall builing of it

    The Wall of berlin was a symbol of the cold war. it showed that there was social problems between nations. Thinking a wall could solve all their problems
  • Prague Spring

    the russain took over the pring and was under soviet order for 20 years. it blocked communism.
  • Mikail Gorbechev comes to power

    After ColdWar Mikail Gorbechev introduced the policies of glasnost and perestroika to the USSR. PERESTROIKA was an initiative that allowed limited market incentives to Soviet citizens.
  • Berlin wall taken down

    this Showed that germany was not happy about living in communists in east germany. It hurt the rep. of Soviet union. it also showed growth of communism and western gov.
  • Cuban Misslie Crisis

    Soviet threat to blow up US but US built an misslie that would fire and blow up soviet if they used they weaponary at all.
  • East German Uprising

    started with contruction workers going on strike on the german democratic rebublic. and it caused others to revolt against them.