Cold War(1949-1989)

  • The Marshall Plsn

    The Marshall Plsn
    In the event of World War II, the United States proposed to rebuild the political stability and a healthy world economy. It called for American assistance in restoring the economy of Europe. Western Europe responded favorably, and the Truman administration proposed legislation to help rebuild europe. This relates to the cold war because the U.S knows that we need to help out our trading parterns and help them protect themsleves from the Soviet Union.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    After the Second World War, Germany was divided into four zones and occupied by Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union.To counter the blockade, the western powers organized and airlifted food, coal, passengers, and other items into the city. The Soviets did not respond to the airlift by trying to stop it, because they believed it could triggered another world war. THis relates to the cold war becasue the U.S and other countries were trying to stop German from going communist
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    NATO was signed to keep the Soviet Union in check. They did not want the Soviet Union to take over anymore countries. NATO was signed by Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Iceland, Luxembourg, United States, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Portugal. THis was part of the cold war becasue these countries want to help stop the spread of communism and keep the Soviet Union in check.
  • Soviets creats and test nuclear Bomb

    Soviets creats and test nuclear Bomb
    At a remote test site the USSR successfully detonates its first nuclear bomb named "First Lightning." The bomd was a success and the people that built the bomb we honored for there work. The bomd was almost as powerful as the one the unitedstates droped on Japan. A couple a day later the U.S found out that the Soviet Union hada bomd. This relates to the cold war becasue it shows that Soviet Union has power know and could go to war using bombs.
  • The Baltic Sea Incident

    The Baltic Sea Incident
    On April 8 1950 wartime bomber, took off from a based at Wiesbaden in West Germany heading toward the Balitic sea. This became the first casualty of the missions to change the boundaries of the USSR. The plan was for the aircraft to gatherinformation on Soviet naval activity. This relates to the cold war because we were spying on the Soviet Union and gather information on what they were doing in there communist ways.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    In the Korean War June 25 1950- July 27 1953 the U.S and the United Nations came to the aid of South Korea in the invasion by North Korea the war ended in a military stalemate. This war showed that the U.S was willing to fight to stop communism. THe united states was only a few years out of WWII by wanted to go back to war. THis was only the start of the cold war the united failed in most years thy fought in the cold war.
  • The Lodge Act

    The Lodge Act
    It was initially intended to enable the military to create a foreign legion of Soviet Union. When the Pentagon balked the law was used to recruit Finns and others into the ranks of Special Forces. Eastern Europe to organize, train and lead partisan resistance of Soviet supply lines. This realates to the cold war because it tired to keep the Soviet Union in check.
  • Sinking of the USS Hobson

    Sinking of the USS Hobson
    The Hobson fought in various battles during World War II, including the invasion of Normandy. In the early 1950’s the Hobson was involved in two military events. But on April 26 1952 when most of the crew was sleeping it ran into another ship and sank in a matter of minutes. It was related to the cold war because at the time of the sinking the U.S thought the Soviet Union had something to do with the sinking.
  • U.S creates and tests the Hydrogen Bomb

    U.S creates and tests the Hydrogen Bomb
    On Nov. 1, 1952, the United States conducted its first nuclear test of a hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands. The information that the bob was tested was not given out for almost two weeks after the bobm was lunched. THe bomb was so powerful that it destroyed the island it was tested on and effect near by islands. This relates to the cold war because it showed the USSR that the U.S hada bigger weapon than they did. It also meant that the U.S could do more damage.
  • The Berlin Tunnel

    The Berlin Tunnel
    The tunnel was divided into four sectors just like Berlin. The main purpose of the tunnel was to tkae supplys into berline after it was closed off by the Soviet Union. The tunnel worked well untill it was discovered by the Soviet Union. When the tunnel was discovered by the Soviet Union is was a surprise to them. This relates to the cold war becasue the U.S was still trying to supply Berlin with supply and not let them go communist.
  • War Saw Pact

    War Saw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact came to be seen as quite a potential militaristic threat, as a sign of Communist dominance, and a definite opponent to American capitalism. The signing of the pact became a symbol of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe. The pact was used more as a means to keep the Soviet allies under a watchful eye than to actually make and enforce decisions. The pact relates to the cold war becasue it shows that there were two vary different ways that te world could go the U.S or the USSR.
  • Bomber Gap

    Bomber Gap
    Bomber Gaprefers to the fear of Soviet being able to fly bombers to the United states. The spy plane was the answer to one of the problems facing the Eisenhower administration. When the U.S flew over with there fly plaine they saw that the Soviet Union was able to fly all the way to the United States. This realtes to the cold war becasue it showed that the Soviet Union was a threat to the United states.
  • Soviet Launch Soutnik

    Soviet Launch Soutnik
    The Sputnik launch changed everything. Sputnik caught the world’s attention and the American public off-guard. Its size was more impressive than what the united states had at this point. In addition, the public feared that the Soviets’ ability to launch satellites also meant they had missles that could reach the united states. This lead to the cold war becase it showed how far the U.S was behind in math and science and caused the U.S to launch it space program.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    In the Vietnam War — which lasted from the mid-1950s until 1975. The United States and Republic of Vietnam opposed the revolutionary movement known as the Viet Cong and its sponsor. The war was the second of two major conflicts with Vietnam as its focal point. This realtes to the cold war because it was a stuggle for freedom in this country. THe united states want one part to be free but the other side want communism. Even though the the unitedstates lost they did get vietnam to be part free
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    In April 1961, the United States attempted to invade Cuba and overthrow premier Fidel Castro. On April 17th about 1,300 exiles armed with United States weapons landed at Bay of Pigs in Cuba. They hoped to gain support and overthrow Castro. However, they were quickly defeated by Castro's army. This showed that the united states was willing to do anything to stop communism. As in this case they failed to stop it. But is even was a big part of the cold war.
  • The Berlin wall goes up

    The Berlin wall goes up
    The Berlin border between East and West Berlin is closed August of 1961. Workers from East Germany and Russia sealed off the border with barrier of barbed wire and light fencing that eventually became a complex series of walls with fortified fences, gun positions and watchtowers heavily guarded and patrolled. In the end, the Berlin Wall was 96 miles long and the average height of the concrete wall was 11.8 feet. This cold war event shows that Soviet was not going to loss any of it comminism.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    President Kennedy was shown photographs of the missile installations in Cuba and on October 22, President Kennedy responded by televising an address stating the discovery of the weapons in Cuba and the attack would be treated as an attack from the Soviet Union. But on October 28 1962 the sites were dimantled when the united reached a deal with cuba. This cold war shows that the united states lost it fight for cuba in the cold war not stop WWIII. On
  • USS Libery Incident

    USS Libery Incident
    On June 8, 1967, US Navyship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship. After the accident there was a cover up. This relates to the cold war becasue the ship was in the place it was becasue of the cold war.
  • The USS Pueblo Incident

     The USS Pueblo Incident
    THis was an american Spy ship that was caught by North Vietnam. The ship was in bad shape from the beginging. One the ship was caught the crew on board tried to destroy imporant papers. But most of the imporant paper were still there when the North Vietnam got on the ship. This aloud for imporant codes to be figured out by the Soviet Union. This relates to the cold war becasue this spy ship was there becasue of the Vietnam conflict.
  • USS Scorpion Submarine Sinking

    USS Scorpion Submarine Sinking
    On May 27 the submarine faled to return from the Alantic. The sub failed to make radio contact when they were suppose to. Little information has been realsed about the sinking of the sub. In all 99 men died and little information was realized about the sinking. This relates to the cold war because the sinking of the sub has long been in question and it was related to cold war events.
  • The Czechoslovakia uprising

     The Czechoslovakia uprising
    On the night of August 20, 1968, troops from Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Poland occupied Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovakian government immediately declared that the “invasion was a violation of socialist principals. Any one that supported the upraising was sent to the Soviet Union. This relates to the cold war because it shows had intense the battle was between communism and domacry.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    The pentagon papers was a document of the Vietnam and how the war was going. The papers should have not been made public but the paers leacked out. The media found out how the war was really going in Vietnam. THis relates to the cold war becasue the conflict we were in was a direct connection to the cold war. The war was being fought over the spread of communism.
  • Operation Babylift

    Operation Babylift
    On April 3 President Gerald Ford announced in a mission called Operation Babylift, the U.S. military would fly 70,000 orphans out of Vietnam. Thirty flights were planned to execute this operation. But the first plane to fly out crashed and killed 300 people and babys. But the it all worked out in the end, most of the baby's that came to the U.S had a vary successful adoption. This relates to the cold war becasue this the conflit was ending the Vietcong put these bays lives in danger.
  • The fall of the Saigon

    The fall of the Saigon
    The North Vietnam thought that the U.S was coming back to South Vietnam so they put more troops in the south than what was said the 1973. On April 30, 1975, a North Vietnamese tank broke through the walls of the South’s presidential palaceand took South Vietnam’s last president Duong Van Minh. He told his captives that he wanted to surrender, but he no longer had anything left to surrender. This relates to the cold war because this happened becasue of the Vietnam conlift and the U.S there.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    On November 4, 1979, five hundred Muslim students seized the United States Embassy in Iran. Of these ninety people in the embassy, sixty-six hostages were taken. To the Iranians the United States was protecting the despised Shah; causing resentment towards the United States. January 20, 1981, the day of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration were released. This relates to the cold war becasue it was a power stuggle betwwen what the U.S wanted and what the Iran wanted.
  • 1980 Olympic Hockey game

    1980 Olympic Hockey game
    In a event that shocked the world the U.S beat the USSR in the the final hockey game to win gold medal. After boycotts going in to the games the U.S won in a 4-3 victory. THis reallates to the cold war because it showed that the U.S can beat the USSR. Even though the U.S lost to the USSR in all the wars they fought, aganist many odds the U.S won the game and gold medal.
  • Nicaragua and Daniel Ortega Saavedra

    Nicaragua and Daniel Ortega Saavedra
    The United States stopped pushing its foreign policy with economics and began to use military and diplomatic pressures. As the American supplied and trained Contra presence slowly increased in Nicaragua, Ortega was forced to a peace treaty in the late 1980's. This relates to the cold war because the U.S was still trying to push it ways on other countrys.
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

    Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    A Nuclear power plant was shut down in the Soviet Union for normal maintenance. But the safty was shut of on the nuclear reactor. It blew up. At first the Soviet Union tried to cover it but. But after a couple of day they said what happened. Many people in the town died or got sick on died. Up to this point no one knew how dangerous nuclear engery was. THis relates to the cold war becasue it proved that the Soviet Union was not honest in there dealing with nuclear weapons.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    In the year 1989, the leader of East Berlin's communist party said on November 9, 1989 at about 7 p.m. in somewhat unclear words that the border would be opened. Celebrations took place at the Brandenburg Gate . On November 10, demolition work began with the aim of creating new border crossings. This was were the cold war stated and for the most part were it ended. Know that the wall had fallen germany could be put back togeather.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    In December of 1991, the Soviet Union fell seperated into fifteen countries. Many countries were glad that the Soviet Union fell. Thus ending the cold war which had been going on sice the end of WWII. What caused Soviet Union to fall are liked to many reason, but it all comes sown to money and polital problems. This relates to the cold war becase the fall of the Soviet Union ended the cold war. Since the Soviet Union fell they could no longer spread communism.