Cold War to Present

  • rosa parks

    rosa parks
    rosa parks was a lady who didnt give up her bus seat to a white person. she was a civil rights actives.
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    north and south Korea went to war to stop communism. but the south wanted to stop it. it affected the society because they didnt want communism to keep on spreading
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    When JFK was assassinated in Texas in a car. JFK was assassinated in a car on a ride through Dallas, Texas. he got shot by one bullet but from two ways. this affected the society because we lost a president
  • MLK assassination

    MLK assassination
    MLK was assassinated in Tennessee. He was assassinated April 4th 1968 outside of his hotel room. It was important to history because he effected civil rights and gave African Americans more chances for things. This effected society because many people were sad and didn't have a leader anymore.