Cold War Timeline Project

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta conference is largely remembered as one of the conferences that helped resolve World War two. However, its impact is also significant in how it led to the cold war. The allied leaders at this conference made many decisions, of these, many were disobeyed by the Soviet Union. Additionally the USSR was given control over Eastern Europe, helping them spread their communist influence.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    In the final conference to decide the fate of postwar Germany, the allied agenda of capitalism was heavily pushed upon the Soviets. Feeling as if they were being overlooked, the Soviets began to grow apart from the other allies. As tensions developed, the cold war became ever-impending.
  • United Nations is Created

    United Nations is Created
    The U.N is an international peace keeping organization created to prevent conflict and promote peace and security. Being part of the U.N, the Soviet Union often dissented on decisions favoring capitalistic ideals. This internal conflict led to the Cold War. Additionally, the U.N was forced to intervene in the Korean War, and was successful, thus showing its power as a peace keeping unit.
  • National Security Act

    National Security Act
    The National Security Act created many useful institutions used by the president to form and implement foreign policy. This led to increased intelligence, advice, and overall execution of the United States government in halting the advance of communism. The NSA still exists today and the institutions are an integral part of our government.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    In the Truman Doctrine U.S foreign policy is laid out. The United States takes a worldwide stance that it will not allow the spread of communism and will intervene if communism is forced upon any country. This leads to U.S involvement in many wars and conflicts in an effort to uphold this policy. The Truman doctrine lays out the basis of U.S containment policy, a driving force behind the cold war.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Effective following World War two, the Marshall plan's main purpose was to rebuild Western Europe. The reason behind this was to disallow Soviet influence in the rebuilding process, thus preventing the spread of communism to Western Europe. It is important that the U.S did this to stop the spread of communism early on, before many of the more militaristic conflicts of the cold war occurred.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Airlift

    At this point in history, Germany had been partitioned into an allied zone and a Soviet occupied zone. Being deep in soviet territory, the allied-occupied area was easily constricted by soviets, and supplies were cut off to the region. As a result, the U.S dropped supplies via airplane for eleven months. The impact of this occurrence is seen in the world view of the USSR. The soviets were made out to look very cruel, and cold war tensions increased. Following this event NATO would be created.
  • Truman Fair Deal

    In an effort to continue the effects and legacy of Teddy Roosevelt's New Deal, President Truman created his own set of reforms to help the public. In his fair deal, Truman raised the minimum wage, recommended healthcare, and guaranteed equal rights. This is a prime example of the "moderate republican" politics of his presidency, and helped the American people heading into some very tense times.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    NATO is a intergovernmental defense pact, originally among twelve countries. Its purpose was to prevent war by declaring all out war upon any aggressor who attacked a member of the pact. NATO would prove very useful throughout the cold war, and remains intact today as a very functional treaty.
  • Soviets Successfully test Atomic Bomb

    Soviets Successfully test Atomic Bomb
    The arms race started when the U.S unleashed its nuclear capability on Japan, and reached its peak when the Soviets unlocked nuclear powers. At this moment in history the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction became apparent. With multiple countries having nuclear capability, any attack could be reciprocated. This was a defining moment in the cold war as militaristic attacks were no longer feasible.
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    Beat Movement

    The Beat movement was largely popular in the 1950's. This group of nonconformist artists challenging culture and politics of the era through their work. Happening at the same time that rock n' roll was becoming popular, this time period truly marked the revitalization of American culture that was accompanied by an economic boom and consumerist ideals.
  • Korean War Starts

    Korean War Starts
    The Korean war is likely one of the most significant events during the cold war. It occurred when North Korea (communist) invaded South Korea in an attempt to spread communism. This attack was halted when the U.S, along with other countries stepped in to South Korea's aid under General MacArthur. This represented America's willingness to engage in armed conflict to stop communism, and it strengthened U.S-British ties. As a result, the 38th parallel now exists to separate these countries.
  • 1952 Olympics Start

    1952 Olympics Start
    This would mark the start of the third theater of competition between the Soviets and the Americans, athletics. With high tensions in the midst of both the arms race and the space race, the Olympics were yet another place for the two countries to compete. The legacy of this competition is found in the Presidential fitness programs instituted at elementary and middle schools throughout the country, as well as the Council of Youth Fitness and Title IX.
  • Eisenhower Elected

    Eisenhower Elected
    As Truman's presidency came to an end, it became time for a new president to take America through the Cold War. With Eisenhower's dynamic conservatism, he readily made significant changes to the United States. His goals were to continue the New Deal, reduce the national debt, allow worker unions, decrease tension of the arms race, and increase efficiency of bureaucracy. His legacy lives in his success in accomplishing these goals, and is remembered as one of Americas great presidents.
  • Polio Vaccine Created

    Polio Vaccine Created
    In the wake of very tense times for the United States, many people were suffering from a very startling disease known as polio. In 1953, Dr. Jonas Salk announcement his cure for this disease. Now in the U.S, Polio is totally eradicated and that is a very significant legacy.
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Creation of Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was created shortly after NATO as a direct response. It was an affiliation of communist nations looking to spread their ideals throughout the world. These dueling pacts set the stage for the conflict that would be the cold war. However, contrary to NATO, the Warsaw pact no longer exists.
  • Sputnik Launched

    Sputnik Launched
    Sputnik was the first artificial satellite launched into orbit. At a time when tensions were high in the cold war, this launch created an entirely new theater of competition between the U.S and the U.S.S.R. Sputnik would mark the start of the space race, a competition to make rapid advances in aeronautical technology. This would lead to the creation of NASA, new high school curriculum, and would lead the U.S to land a man on the moon.