Cold War Timeline

  • Formation of United Nations

    Formation of United Nations
    International organization to settle world problems and avoid armed conficts
  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    A race in which the US and the Soviet Union tried to match or come above each other's nuclear weapons.
  • Creation of the Security Council

    Creation of the Security Council
    Charged with the responsibility to keep world peace. It has 5 permanent members and 10 other members elected 2 year terms. The permanent members consist of the US, Russia Britain, China, and France.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    American foreign policy made to counter Soviet geopolitical hegemony. It was announced by President Harry S. Truman.
  • Marshal Plan

    Marshal Plan
    An American initiative to aid western Europe. The U.S gave $13 billion to help the economy's of western Europe.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    This was an event in where the Soviet Union tried to keep The United States, France, and Great Britain out of their parts of Berlin. Stalin kept all supplies out from West Berlin to try to starve them and having them to accept Soviet leadership.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    U.S. and British airplanes fly supplies into west Berlin. 200,000 flights and 1.5 million tons of supplies were flown in.

    Soviet plan to aid in rebuilding Soviet bloc nations. The KGB came to be, they are the Soviet Secret Police.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    "Collective Security" alliance. Native providing mutual help if attacked.
  • Joseph Stalin's Death

    Joseph Stalin's Death
    He died from a Cerebral Hemorrhage.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    North Vietnam were communists and southern Vietnam were democratic. President Johnson ordered American troops to Vietnam.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    A race in which the Soviet Union and the US to achieve supremacy in the area of spaceflight capability.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Cia operation to overcome Fidel Castro. They landed 1,200 Cuban exiles in the Bay of Pigs. This is a big loss and Kennedy was embarrassed.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The German's started to build the Berlin Wall in August 13, 1961. The wall was torn down on November 9, 1989.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba ships carrying missiles headed for Cuba. President Kennedy orders USA to blockade Cuban ports. Khrushchev agreed to turn hsips around and Kennedy agreed not to invade Cuba
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    An American U-2 spy plan was shot down while he crossed the Soviet Union. The US was spying on the Soviet Union, as they were lead to admit this considering that the Soviet Union had the pilot and the plane intact.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    A meeting of FDR, Churchill, and Stalin. They discussed how the land of Germany should be split up.
  • Division of Germany

    Division of Germany
    Allied Powers divided Germany into four different zones. Soviet Union controlled east Germany, allies controlled west Germany.
  • Cold War Offically Ends

    Cold War Offically Ends
    Gorbachev and President George Bush met declaring end to Cold War.
  • The End of The Cold War

    The End of The Cold War
    Mikhail Gorbachev announced glasnost, which is freedom of expression for Soviet citizens. It eased harsh treatment of opponents of Soviet system.