Cold war flag

Cold War time line 1B

  • iron curtain descends on europe

    physical boundary dividing europe into two seperate areas.blocking itself and its satelite states from open contact
  • potsdam conference

    held at Cecilienhof, the home of crown prince. "Berlin conference of three heads of government of the USSR, USA, and UK.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    throughout this time the Soviet Union and the United states were at war. It was called "Cold war" because it never heated up.
  • truman doctorine

    doctorine in which establishede united states would help any demoratic nation who was threatened by the internal or external authorities,
  • Marshal Plan

    Marshal Plan
    Plan in which United States helped reconsrtuct Europe economically.
  • creation of isreal

    creation of isreal
    david ben-gurion the head of the jewish agency, established the state of isreal.
  • berlin airlift

    first major international crises of the cold war. soviet union blocked the western allies railway, road, and canal access.
  • formation of NATO

    National Atlantic Treaty Organization. intergovernmental military alliance.
  • korean war

    75,000 soldiers from the north korean peoples army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the soviet backed democraticpeople republic of korea to the north
  • Stalin Dies

    stalins health deteriorted towards the ends of world war II he suffered from atheroscelorsis from his havy smoking
  • warsaw pact formed

    soviet union and seven of its european satelites sign a treaty establishing the warsaw pact a mutual defense orginization that put the soviets in command
  • Suez Crisis

    diplomatic and military confrontation between Egypt on one side, and Britain, France and Israel on the other with the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Nations playing major roles in forcing britain france and israel to withdraw
  • vietnam war

    second indochina war. occued in vietnam, laos, and cambodia.
  • sputnik

    bioscience mission. lasted 162 days. spcecraft launched into earths orbit. sputnik 2 was the first to have a living animal
  • NASA is formed

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration. opperate aeronautics research, unamanned and manned space exploration program
  • bay of pigs invasion

    failded military invasion
  • Berlin Wall Constructed

    Berlin Wall Constructed
    the berlin wall was built to devide the country and unable the United States from getting food to it.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    soviet union set missels in cuba facing the united states. President Kennedy feared the danger this had put the country in. He settled a treaty and was able to take the missels down.
  • Kennedy is assinated

    kennedy was fatally shot by a sniper while traveling with his ife. his brians were never found and they never did know if there were more than one shot
  • USS Pueblo Incident

    USS Pueblo Incident
    An 83-man crew waa held hostage by the North Korean. They were thought to be spying so thery were imprisoned. The United States demanded them to be released since they were on international waters. North Korean authorities, coerced a confession and apology from the Pueblo commander Bucher.
  • Nuclear non-proliferation treaty

    an international treaty whose object is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weaons technology.
  • paris peace accords

    US and soviets negotiation in which first agreements to place limits and restrains on some of their central and mmost importat armaments.
  • UN Resolution 2758

    the People's Republic of China as "the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations" and expelled "the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations."
  • Nixon Visits China

    this was important step in formally normalizing relations between the united states and the peoples republic of china. it marked the first tme the US visitited the PRC
  • paris peace accord

    intedned to establish peace in vietnam and an end to the vietnam war. the governments of the democratic republic of vietnam.
  • south Vietnam falls

    north veitnamese and viet cong forces caotured the south vietnamese capital of saigon forcing south vietnam to surrender and bringing about an end to vietnam war.
  • formation of the united nations

    pledged their governments to contiue fighting together against the axis powers
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    "Iranian student was denied cancer treatment after being expeeled" Iranian students capture 60 american from the U.S. embassy in tehran. (Democratic way for student revolutionaries to declare a break with irans past.)
  • USSR invades Afghanistan

    fought soviet led afghan forces against multi-nationilist insurgent groupds called the mujahideen
  • summer olympic boycott

    united states protest against the soviet union in afghanistan
  • Korean Air Lines Fkight

    airplane from New York City to seoul via, but was shot down by the soviet su-15
  • U.S invades Grenada

    resulted i a US vitry within a matter of weeks. trggered by a bloody military coup which had ousted a four year revolutionary government.
  • dissolation of the soviet union

    resulted in independent republics.was finalized by declaration no. 142-H of the soviet.
  • iran contra affair

    poliical scandal in the united states that came to light in november 1986 during the reagan adminstration
  • chernobyl disaster

    nuclear accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nucea plants in ukraine which was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the soviet union.
  • tiananmen square masacre

    "a communist part without corruption" also known as the june fourth incident. student led popular demonstration