Cold War

  • Post War Occupation of Germany

    Post War Occupation of Germany
    The Allies had won the war and divided Germany up into 4 sections: France, US, Britain (all democratic) and Soviet Union (communist). These countries controlled their portion of Germany. There were issues with crossing over into the democratic sections from communist.
  • Greek Civil War

    Greek Civil War
    The Geek Civil War was mainly fought against the kingdom of Greece. The kingdom won in the end. The cause was a conflict between the communist-dominated left-wing resistance organization and loosely allied anti-communist resistance forces.
  • Enactment of the Marshall Plan

    Enactment of the Marshall Plan
    President Truman signed the Economic Recovery Act of 1948. It it was then called the Marshall Plan, named after the Secretary of State George Marshall, who in 1947 proposed that the United States provide economic assistance to fix the economic infrastructure of Europe postwar. He didn't want it to be named after him.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    Joseph Stalin, the Soviet leader, put in order the Berlin Blockade from. It cut off all land and river transit between West Berlin and West Germany. The Western Allies retaliated with a massive airlift to aid West Berlin.
  • Chinese Communist Revolution

    Chinese Communist Revolution
    The revolution defeated the Republic of China Army. It ended over two decades of intermittent warfare between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang. The fall of mainland China to communism in 1949 brought the United States to end diplomatic ties with the PRC for decades.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This war was fought between North and South Korea. North Korea invaded South Korea because supposedly Stalin ordered the invasion. The war never really was won. In fact, it still is technically going on to this day.
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    The cuban revolution was an armed revolt. It was led by Fidel Castro. They were against the military dictatorship taking place at the time. Castro's constitutional arguments were rejected by the Cuban courts, so he resulted to violence.
  • Overthrow of the Guatemalan Government

    Overthrow of the Guatemalan Government
    The Overthrow of the Guatemalan Government was a covert operation carried out by the CIA. It deposed the democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz. It also ended the Guatemalan Revolution.
  • Formation of the Eastern Bloc

    Formation of the Eastern Bloc
    The Soviet Union set up communist regimes in eastern and central Europe. These were called the Eastern Bloc, informally. China was also a part of the bloc. This was made possible by the Warsaw Treaty.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was fought between north and south vietnam. North vietnam was backed by communist soviet union and china. The US was involved to prevent the spread of communism.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed attempt by the CIA to revolt against Fidel Castro's plan. Cuban planes attacked the invaders with machine guns, sank two escort ships, and destroyed half of the exile's air support.
  • Building the Berlin Wall

    Building the Berlin Wall
    The berlin wall was a barrier between north and south berlin. This wall was to keep people from switching sides. The wall was several layers, equipped with mines, machine guns, bright lights, and more.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    This was a 13 day confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union. The US caught footage of nuclear missle sights being built in Cuba by the Soviet Union. Kennedy didn't want the Soviets to know that they found the missle.
  • Rise of Palestine Liberation Organization

    Rise of Palestine Liberation Organization
    Rise of Palestine Liberation Organization was a nationalist political and militant organization. It's initial purpose was to establish Arab unity and statehood over the territory of former Mandatory Palestine
  • Soviet War in Afghanistan

    Soviet War in Afghanistan
    The Soviet–Afghan War was a conflict that had a group known as the Mujahideen. They fought a nine-year guerrilla war against the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Soviet Army. It was throughout the 1980s, mostly in the Afghan countryside
  • Solidarity Movement in Poland

    Solidarity Movement in Poland
    The Solidarity Movement in Poland anti-authoritarian social movement. It using methods of civil resistance to advance the causes of workers' rights and social change. It's purpose was to destroy the union through the imposition of martial law in Poland and the use of political repression failed.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre
    The Tiananmen Square Massacre was a student led demonstration on democracy. This quickly turned violent when the Chinese government started to "strongly enforce" communism.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Half a million people gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest. then, it was decided that the wall needed to come down. The fall of the wall began the fall of communism.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union

    The fall of the Soviet Union
    Gorbachev's decision to lessen the Soviet control on the countries of Eastern Europe created an democratic influence. That led to the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. Then the overthrow of Communist rule throughout Eastern Europe.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    The 9/11 attacks is the biggest terrorist attack on US soil. Al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial airplanes and crashed two of them into the World Trade Center in New York City, and a third one into the Pentagon in Virginia, and the fourth plane crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania. The possible reason being U.S. support of Israel.