cold war

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    the countries that meet were united states, Soviet Union, Great Britian.
  • Beginning of Cold War

    Beginning of Cold War
    When the first military action happened by the Soviet Union to try and get the US to back down.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    It was to prevent communism and gave 400 million to Greece and turkey for military and economic aid.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    European recovery plan
    it aided 16 countries and gave 13 billion dollars to aid and was offered to soviet union but said no.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Stalin cut off supplies to Berlin
    Us airlifts supplies to Berlin
    lasted 11 months
    Stalin reopened supply lines
  • N.A.T.O

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    Alliance to support military
    had to be a democray
  • Communism in Asia

    Communism in Asia
    China falls to communism and US stops aiding China
  • H-Bomb

    First H-bomb detonated by us
  • S.E.A.T.O

    To prevent the Domino Theory
    Us and 7 other nations
    Southeast Asian treaty organization
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    space race begins
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    It was like the Truman Doctrine
    Offered military and economic aid to middle east countries
  • JFK Killed

    JFK is shot in Dallas TX
  • New President

    Nixon is elected
  • Draft Lottery

    Seemed unfair to the poor and blacks
  • 26 Amendment

    Lowered voting age to 18
  • Nixon Re-elected

    It was a cease fire
  • Draft

    The draft was abolished
  • Amnesty

    President Carter granted the 10,000+ draft dodgers with a amnesty
  • Vietnam Wall

    It was completed in Washington D.C.
  • Normalized Relations with Vietnam

    Relations were normalized with Vietnam by president Clinton