cold war timeline

  • ussr

    dnjepr damn in ussr, was the worlds biggest, was put into operation
  • molotov ribbentrop pact

    known as the nazi soviet
    splits poland and the rest of eastern europe between the ussr and nazi germany
  • v e day

    victory in europe as germany surrenders to the russian army
  • nagasaki

    untied states dropped the second atomic bomb on nagasaki
    (first was on hiroshima)
  • korean war

    north korea invaded south korea
  • suez crisis

    french and british to conquer egypt to control suez crisis which has been nationalised by the egypt leader nasser. the french and british where force to withdraw UN peace sent to establish order.
  • vietnam war

    150000 untied state strops was sent to vietnam
  • space run

    unties states launch apollo 8
  • salt

    (s)trategic (a)rms (l)imitation (t)reaty
    signed between the US and USSR.
  • afghanistan

    soviet troops invaded afghanistan
  • poland

    martial law was declared to crush the soildarity movement
  • velvet revolution

    also known as gentle revolution, was peaceful protest in czechoslovakia that led to the overthrow of the communist government
    november 17 - december 29
  • german reunification

    east and west germany were united as one country
  • start

    (s)trategic (t)he (a)rms (r)eduction (t)reaty
    was signed between russia and the usa.