Cold War

  • USA Devlops Nuclear Weapons

    USA Devlops Nuclear Weapons
    The United States was the first country to have nuclear weapons.
  • USSR Develops Nuclear Weapons

    USSR Develops Nuclear Weapons
    They started a program because they found out about other countries nuclear programs.
  • China Becomes Communist

    China Becomes Communist
    China becomes a communist country under their new leader Mao Zedong. After the Chinese Revolution.
  • Dwight Eisenhower becomes President

    Dwight Eisenhower becomes President
    He was a general in WWll and then later became the 34th president of the United States. He followed the USSR into a space race. He funded NASA and all kinds of space programs.
  • John F. Kennedy becomes President

    John F. Kennedy becomes President
    A senator from Massachuestts runs for president and wins. He arranges the Bay of Pigs (which fails). He gets USSR to remove missiles from Cuba and US removes missiles from Turkey.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    An attempt to over throw Castero. Kennedy got a group to work with teh CIA to attack Cuba. Cuba found out and prevented the attack. Big embrassment for Kennedy and the United States.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The United States and Soviet Union were on a brink of nuclear war because the Soviet Union placee Missiles in Cuba.
  • Lyndon B Johnson Becomes President

    Lyndon B Johnson Becomes President
    He was the 37th Vice President and the 36th President. He pushes forces in Vietnam.
  • Kennedy's Assassination

    Kennedy's Assassination
    He was fatally shot by Oswald, while in Texas with his wife, Jacqueline.
  • Gulf of Tonkin incident

    Gulf of Tonkin incident
    Two different confrontations between North Vietnam and the United States in the Gulf Tonkin.
  • Richard Nixon Becomes Presidentt

    Richard Nixon Becomes Presidentt
    He is the only president who has resigned from office. Senator from California.Removes United States troops from the Vietnam war. Trains south Vietmanese people to fight better.
  • Ronald Regan becomes President

    Ronald Regan becomes President
    Helps end the Cold war .
  • Berlin Wall Torn Down

    Berlin Wall Torn Down
    The Berlin Wall seperated East Germany from the west. They torn it down to allow the country to unify.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev Leads USSR

    Mikhail Gorbachev Leads USSR
    He becomes president in 1990 and he resigns when the soviet union collaspes on December 25th, 1991.
  • Soviet Collapse

    Soviet Collapse
    Economic and Political pressures ruined the Soviet Union. Communism just wasn't working.