Cold war

Cold War

  • World War II ends in Europe

    World War II ends in Europe
    The European front ends although there is still conflict in the Pacific for another few months.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Soviet forces blockade west Berlin from recieving any aid from allied forces. This blockade lasted around a year.
  • Beginning of Cuban Missle Crisis

    Beginning of Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Soviets were building nuclear missle sites on Cuba so JFK blockaded the island. This crisis went on for almost two weeks.
  • Beginning of Vietman War

    Beginning of Vietman War
    This War served as a "proxy-war" where America and the Allied countries backed South Vietnam while communist countries like China and Russia backed North Vietnam. This conflict lasted for 20 years.
  • Beginning of the Hungarian Revolution

    Beginning of the Hungarian Revolution
    Hungary, with the influence of American government, attempts to overthrow the Soviet Union in Hungary. The attmepts failed.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    A CIA organized invasion of Cuba in an attempt to overthrow the Communist regime and Fidel Castro.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Creation of the Berlin Wall
    Communist Germany walled in the democratic "West Berlin"
  • U.S. troops land in the Dominican Republic

    U.S. troops land in the Dominican Republic
    In an attempt to stall the growth of communism in the political unrest of the Dominican Republic, President Lyndon Johnson sends 22,000 troops to "secure our nation's safety"
  • Non Proliferation Treaty

    Non Proliferation Treaty
    Treaty attempting to stop the spread of nuclear arms. Both Russia and the United States signed, promising to not use nuclear weapons, thereby eliminating the threat.
  • South Vietnam Surrenders

    South Vietnam Surrenders
    Communist forces take over Siagon, effectively ending the war.
  • Solidarity Union Formed

    Solidarity Union Formed
    First trade union in a Warsaw Pact country that was not controlled by a communist party.
  • US Invation of Grenada

    US Invation of Grenada
    As Grenada and Cuba relations grow, the US became increasingly threatened by the Marxist government. To secure a sense of safety, President Reagan orders a marine invasion.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union

    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union
    Eliminated the Communist Party’s monopoly on power and establishing the Congress of People’s Deputies. He recieved criticism from both communists and reformers which evenutally led to the collapse of his presidency.
  • Desctruction of the Berlin Wall

    Desctruction of the Berlin Wall
    A symbolic end to the Cold War (though tensions were/are still high)
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes President of Russia

    Boris Yeltsin becomes President of Russia
    After an unsuccessful coup by "hard-line communists" attempting to end Mikhail Gorbachev's presidency, the communist party collapses. Days later, Yeltsin is elected President of the Commonwealth of Independent States.