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The Cold War by-Ming

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  • Iron Curtain descends on Europe

    Iron Curtain descends on Europe
    The Iron Curtain started at the end of WWII until the end of the cold war. The Iron Curtain separate into 2 area which sumbolized the ideological conflict and physical boundary. Symbolized the efforts of block itself.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War by-Ming

  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The potsdam conference held at Cecilienhof the participant were the Soviet Union, United Kingdom and United States. its a gather to decide how to administer teh punishment of the defeated Nazi Germany.
  • Vietnam War (U.S. involvement)

    Vietnam War (U.S. involvement)
    The Vietnam war was the communist of the North vietnam fighting the south Vietnam. The South Vietnam Signed a militray and economic aid treaty with U.S. The North Communist vietnam was receiving armaments from Communist countires. The war end in April 1975.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The truman Doctrine stated that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military preventing them from into soviet sphere. The speech was set by the U.S. president Harry Truman. year that Britain supported Greece. Britain formally ask the U.S. to take over its role.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was a U.S initiative to aid Europe after WWII. its U.S giving its economic support to hlep rebuilt Europe. the funding raise up to $12 billion to help aid Europe
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    The Holocayst approximatly killing 6 million European Jews by the Nazis. had a huge impact of te Palestine. on Novemeber 29, 1947 The United Nations General assmbly a vote to create the Sate of Israel. The British resign thier mandate over Palestine. Arab and Jews war soon broke out. created the State of Israel as an free state.
  • Berlin Air Lift

    Berlin Air Lift
    Germany was divided into four section. The Russians wated to closed off Berlin so they closed all the highways, railroads and canal from the westerns. They Russian thought it would make it impossible to get which and would eventually drive Britain, France and the U.S. however the the U.s. and allies decided to supply food by air which is called the Berlin Airlift.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    The United States and 11 othe Western nations form the North Atlantic Treay Organization. The hope of stopping further expansion of Communist. the Communist founded a rival alliance call the Warsaw Pact.
  • Soviets explode atomic bomb

    Soviets explode atomic bomb
    The President Truman had to reconsider the United position because that the Soviet Union used their first atomic bomb soo soon that the United States were not expecting that they have a nuclear weapon.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    Communist North Korea invaded South Korea. The American send troops to aid South Korea. When victory seem to at hand the China launched a suprise attack. Korea War ended in a cease-fire
  • Treaty of San Francisco

    Treaty of San Francisco
    Treaty of San Francisco known as Treaty of Peace with Japan at the end of World War II. The treaty was sign by 48 nations to declare a end to World War II.
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin Dies
    Stalin the leader of the Soviet Union die at March 6, 1953 because of his illness. He had been suffer with a cerebral hemorrhage. His body was placed in the Hall of Columns for sometime. Many had wept even though he was responsible many deaths.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    The Warsaw pact was form because of the Nato it's treaty for communist countires. it is for self defense of any member who is attacked. it is a counter part of Nato.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    The israeli soldiers pushed into Egypy. The French and British forces soon joined after nealy brought Soviet Union into the conflct. British, French and Israeli withdrew teir troops in the 1956.
  • Sputnik I & Sputnik II

    Sputnik I & Sputnik II
    The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite call Sputnik. The Sputnik 2 launched ito Earth's orbit which carry living animal in to space. After the Sputnik was launched the U.S. defense Department approve funding for U.S. satellite project which created NASA.
  • NASA is formed

    NASA is formed
    National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration is created by Presient Dwight D> Eisenhower that is responsible for aerospace and aeronautics research. NASA science is focuse on a better understanding of Earth. Exploring Solar System and find New Horizons.
  • Explorer 6

    Explorer 6
    Explorer 6 it was an American satellite to take a picture of Eeath and study radiation and cosmic rays, geomagnetism and Radio propagation. it weight 64.4 kilograms. and it Decay on July 1, 161.
  • Gerboise Bleue

    Gerboise Bleue
    Gerboise Bleue the French first atomic bomb and it was usedd in the middle of algerian sahara deset during the Algerian War. it was by far the biggest test bomb at the time.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    Bay of Pigs invasion a CIA-sponsored paramilitary group failed military invasion of Cuba. Cuban counter-offensive was led by Jose Ramon Fernandez. On April 20 the invaders finally surrendered
  • Berlin Wall Constructed

    Berlin Wall Constructed
    German Democratic Republic constructed the Berlin Wall as a berrier. It competely cut off West and East Berlin.It was created to keep people in. The berlin was taken down in 1989
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S spy plane privately took a photo of a Nuclear missile built by the Soviet Union in cuba. President John F. Kennedy place a naval blackade. He demand to removal of the missile. They Demanded that the U.S cant invade Cuba and remove Nuclear missile from Turkey
  • Kennedy is Assassinated

    Kennedy is Assassinated
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey. HSCA thought was a onsipiracy to assassinate the president. The CIA, Soviet Union were not involved in the assissination. He was assassinated in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas on Friday November 22, 1963.
  • USS Pueblo Incident

    USS Pueblo Incident
    The USS Pueblo(Ager-2) was captured by the North Koreans. The koreans said that it strayed in to thier territory war. The U.S said that the vessel was in international water. The USS Pueblo is still held in North Korea today
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
    Non-Proliferation treaty a purpose is to stop the spread of nuclear weapons and technology. The United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China are the five recognizes states.
  • Nixon visits China

    President Richard M.Nixon. Visit China to improve the relationship. He met with the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. Both leader aprove to expand each other coultural contact between each Nations. Nixon also created a plan for Permanent trade.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    Paris Peace Accords was a plan for peace in vietnam and end to vietnam war. It didnt happen which lead to U.S getting in to the fight between North and South Vietnam. The U.S and Provisional Revolutionary Government signed the Agreement to end the war.
  • Ethio-Somali War

    Ethio-Somali War
    The Ethio-Somali War it is a war between Ethiopis and Somalia. The Soviet Union switched Supplying from Somalia to Ethopia. The U.S later starting to support Somalia.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    The Iranian student stormed into the U.S Embassy taking over 60 American hostages. It was cause my Jimmy Carter Descision to allow Iran's deposed Shah. The student set the American hostage freee on January 21, 1981
  • U.S. & Soviet boycotts of the Olympics

    U.S. & Soviet boycotts of the Olympics
    The Summer Olympics boycott is by the U.S. protest againt the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan part of a package of actions initiated. it preceded 1984 Summer Olympics boycott.
  • Korean Airline Flight 007

    Korean Airline Flight 007
    Korean Airline Flight 007 Korean Air flight from New York to Seoul. The plane was shot down by Soviet Su-15. It was shot dow in the Sea of Japan. All of the people on board was killed.
  • Chernobyl disaster

    Chernobyl disaster
    The Chernobyl diasaster is a Nuclear accident that occur in Ukraine. the was under the jurisdiction is the Soviet Union. over 500,000 worker and estimated cost of 18 billion rubles.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre
    Tiananmen Square massacre is when Chinese student protest for greater democracy. how ever Chinese troops rushed through Tiananmen Square firing aimlessly into the protesters. the ten of Thousand of tried to escape. The Soviet leader decalred he was saddened by it and he hope that the government adopt to the USSR domestic reforms. Three week later U.S. Congress to impose economic sanctions against Republic of China.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    The Gulf War first started when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The 34 Nation led by U.S against Iraq. Saudi paid around $30 billion. About 20,000-35,000 people are killed and 75,000+ injures.
  • German reunification

    German reunification
    German reunification when The Soviet Union Soviet Union dissuled and German is united again and it is celebrated on 3rd of October.
  • Dissolving of the Soviet Union

    Dissolving of the Soviet Union
    The USSR had fallen due to large number of radical reforms. The 11 representatives of Soviet republics declared that they were no longer part of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day.