Cold War

  • Stalin

    Joseph Stalin was the leader of the USSR. While in command he almost caused a nuclear war and got a lot of his own people killed.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The United Nations is a group of countries that make agreements and rules about what they can and can't do. they regulate the planets nations
  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    Communist President of Vietnam Him turning North Vietnam Communist caused the Vietnam war.
  • iron curtain

    iron curtain
    Imaginary wall separating communist Europe from democratic Europe. The divide in Europe lead to the Cold War
  • European Economic Cooperation

    European Economic Cooperation
    Group puts pressure on European Buisness people to make good decisions. Helped Europe when it was kind of not very good.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The president said that he would back Greece and Turkey to stop them from becoming communist. this was considered the start of the containment policy and the cold war
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    Plan to help Europe Recover. It helped Europe recover.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    plan to get supplies to west berlin it helped get rid of the blockade
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    an organization of countries in the west and Europe that would defend each other. It is still around today and has many countries in it
  • Peoples republic of China

    Peoples republic of China
    after a civil war Mao Zedong led a newly Communist China They are still communist today
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    War between South Korea and North Korea. with the United Nations with South and Peoples republic of china and Solviet union with North North Korea was not defeated and is still around today.
  • Explosion of first hydrogen bomb

    Explosion of first hydrogen bomb
    detonated on Enewetak Atoll the bomb really showed how powerful the weapons the US and USSR were making
  • Khrushchev

    First secretary of the Communist Party of the Solviet Union had De-stalinization done on the Solviet Union
  • KGB (committee for state security)

    KGB (committee for state security)
    Security Agency for the Solviet Union They were some of the best spies and information gatherers, and they helped the Solviet Union get information on anyone they wanted
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    Attempt to unify Vietnam separated Vietnam into two sections.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Pact between 8 communist states it rivaled NATO and spread communism
  • Vietnam

    a country that the we assisted in a war the country is still around and growing significantly in the past few years
  • Spuntnik

    First Satellite, made by the Solviet union started the space race and the space age
  • Suez Canal/Nasser

    Suez Canal/Nasser
    Naser was the second president of Egypt.
    The Suez Canal is an artificial water way connecting Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. The Canal is still an important water way
  • Berlin Wall is erected

    Berlin Wall is erected
    cut off east and west berlin many people died trying to get over the wall
  • Cuban Missil Crisis

    Cuban Missil Crisis
    The Solviet Union moved missils to Cuba, which made them in range to attack the United States. This nearly caused a nuclear war that could have killed everyone, luckily it didn't end up that way
    cuba and the US still are still enemies
  • Brezhnev

    General Secretary of the central committee of the Comunist part of the Solviet Union. large expansion of the Solviet Military under his rule
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Military campaign during the Vietnam War despite agreeing on a cease fire the Communist attacked south vietnam was in bad shape when it was done
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    Tried to help relations between Communist Bloc and the West it kept the Solviets in line with its treatment of humans.
  • Iranian hostage crisis

    Iranian hostage crisis
    Iranian people took US emassaries
    they were later released
  • Russian Invasion of Afghanistan

    Russian Invasion of Afghanistan
    Solviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we gave Afghanistan weapons. They now use those weapons on us now
  • Moscow Olympics

    Moscow Olympics
    Olympics boycotted by US because it was in the Solviet Union and Communist countries were participating
  • Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland

    Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland
    Anti solviet movement First anti Solviet movement in warsaw pact area
  • Los Angeles Olympics

    Los Angeles Olympics
    The USSR decided not to participate because several countries boycotted the moscow olympics, they had several other countries boycott too
  • Chernobyl

    Worst Nuclear accident
    called the Solviet Union Safety Measures into question
  • Perestroika and Glansnost

    Perestroika and Glansnost
    reconstruction of the political and economical system helped russia not be as crappy
  • Tiananmen Square

    Tiananmen Square
    Square in Beijin China Famous Protestors were killed there
  • Berlin wall is torn down

    Berlin wall is torn down
    East and West Berlin are now joined germany is no longer so crappy
  • Gorbachev

    made president a new title in the Solviet Union
    last president of the Solviet Union Under him the Solviet Union collapsed
  • Yeltsin

    First President of Russia lots of reforms to Russia
  • End of USSR

    End of USSR
    The Solviet Union was finally disolved Russia is now the Country we know today
  • Putin

    President of russia He is still the president of russia