Cold war flags

Cold War

  • Suez Canal/Nasser

    The Suez Canal is a shipping canal that connects to the Mediterranean Sea. Gamal Abdel, president of Egypt in 1918, nationalized the Suez Canal and created war with Britain, France, and Israel in 1956. The canal acted as another source of transportation of goods.
  • Stalin

    Joseph Stalin was the general secretary of the communist party in the Soviet Union. Stalin lead Russia into an era of new technologies, weapons, and space advancement.
  • Yeltsin

    Yeltsin was the first president of the Russian Federation.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    Independent states promotoed internatinal peace and security. Took place of the League of Nations.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    U.S. President Truman said they would aid Turkey and Greece economically and militarially. This kept Turkey and Greece from falling to Communism, and helped stop the domino effect.
  • European Economic Cooperation

    European Economic Cooperation
    Came from the Marshall Plan and was used to keep cooperation between European countries. Helped Europe recover.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Aid by the U.S. to help economies of western Europe after WW2.I It was also known as the European Recovery Program (ERP). Europe started to rebuild its economy.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Airlift that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Soviet Union closed off land access to Berlin. The effort was to supply necessities to 2 million West Berliners. The U.S. had to act in order to stop the spread of communism in west Berlin.
  • NATO

    Eropean and North American countries to defend Europe and the north Atlantic from Communist rule. Stopped the domino effect
  • People's Republic of China

    People's Republic of China
    Vast Commuist Nation in East Asia.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    War between North and South Korea. North Korea was aide dby communist China and South was aided by the U.S. Korea stays split
  • Geneve Accords

    Geneve Accords
    Peace Plan in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    A treaty of mutual defense and military aid by communist states under the Soviet Union. The Warsaw Pact was a respone to NATO.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    War between North and South Vietnam. The Soviets supported the North and the U.S. supported the South. The U.S. was weakened due to the weakening South Vietnam.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviets launched Sputnik I, the worlds first satelite. Sputnik served as an advancement in all aspects and made the U.S. work to keep up with the Soviets.
  • Khrushchev

    Came close to war with the U.S. over the Cuban Missile Crisis. War was avoided
  • Berlin Wall is erected

    Berlin Wall is erected
    The Berlin Wall was created to keep fascist in West Berlin separated from the communist East Germany/Berlin. East Germany feared that fascist views would spread & knock out communism. The Berlin Wall was a boundary between communism and democracy during the Cold War.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Americans saw Soviets building nuclear missile sights. America placed a naval blockade around Cuba. Demanding of the removal of all missiles and further supplies were made. Both superpowers new the trouble with a nuclear war and ceased to have one.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Vietcong and North Viatnamese army launched an offensive. It was an attack on the South Viatnamese. The U.S. became weakened and withdrew their forces in South Vietnam.
  • Brezhnev

    Soviet policy that would corrupt any government within the Warsaw Pact that demostrated bourgeosis acts. The only time it was used was against Czechoslovakia. The Communist based system cannot be reformed.
  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    Vietnamese communist revolutionary leader who was prime minister and president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Viatnamese Nationalist Movement
  • Explosion of the first Hydrogen Bomb

    Explosion of the first Hydrogen Bomb
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    Final act of security and cooperation in Europe.
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis

    Iranian Hostage Crisis
    Crisis between Iran and the U.S. Americans were held hostage Iran saw the U.S. as aforce trying to change their practices adn beliefs.
  • Russian Invasion of Afghanistan

    Russian Invasion of Afghanistan
    The Russian Prime Minister wanted to create a moe western slant in Afghanistan. Along with this he attempted to get rid of Mualim tradition. The U.S. aided Afghanistan with supplies as to make a point of defiance toward the Soviet Union.
  • Moscow Olympics

    Moscow Olympics
    Summer Olympics boycotted in Moscow under U.S. President Carter
  • Los Angeles Olympics

    Los Angeles Olympics
    Soviet Union wil not compete in these games. Response the U.S. boycott in Moscow
  • Perestroika and Glasnost

    Perestroika and Glasnost
    Mikhail Gorbachev's words for the renovation of the Soviet Body was Perestroika and Glasnost. He urged this as general secretary of the Communist Party. This raised awareness of the corruption within the Soviet's system.
  • Cherombyl

    Accident at power plant in Ukraine. Under Jurisdiction of the Soviet Union.
  • Gorbachev

    Soviet statesman, general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and later first president of the Soviet Union.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The former Soviet bloc and the West before the decline of communism after the political events in eastern Europe
  • Berlin Wall is torn down

    Berlin Wall is torn down
    The Berlin Wall was torn down as sign of freedom between east and west Germany. For East Germany,in nearby Poland and Hungary, Soviet power began to weaken leaving them waeaker as well. East Germany eventually declared that easterners could retreat to West Germany. Unification for Germany began with the destruction of the Berlin Walll.
  • Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland

    Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement in Poland
    Anti-Soviet social movement in Poland.
  • Putin

    Russian statesman chosen as Russian Federation President and became acting president on Yeltin's resignation. Current Prime Minister.
  • Brezhnev

  • Tiananmen Square

    Tiananmen Square
    City squarein the center of Beijing. It separates the area beyond Tiananmen Square from the Forbidden City. It divided China.
  • End of USSR

    End of USSR
    The last president of the Soviet Union resigned, leaving the USSR nothing but history. The Soviet Union was no more.
  • Committee For State Security

    Committee For State Security
    KGB. Russian and Soviet intelligence agencies.