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Civil Rights Movement

  • 13th amendment

    there shouldn't be slavery or any involuntary servitude.
  • 14th amendment

    All people that are born in the United States are free. This included former slaves.
  • 15th amendment

    People who wanted to vote should not be denied the rights to do so.
  • Plessy vs Feguson

    Case of the supreme court that upheld racial segregation laws for the public under the doctrine "separate but equal."
  • Mendez vs. Westminster School District of Orange County

    This was a court case that challenged racial segregation in Orange County.
  • Brown vs Board of education

    People wanted public schools.
  • Emmett Till murder

    A boy was kidnapped and murdered this gained support for racial support in the South.
  • Montgomery Bus boycott

    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in a bus.
  • Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom

    thirty thousand people gathered on the steps of the Lincoln memorial to commemorate the brown vs board of education.
  • Temple Bombing

    50 sticks of dynamite exploded on the steps of Hebrew Benevolent congregation.
  • Sit-ins Atlanta

    black colleges organized a series of sit-ins to protest the city's legally sanctioned segregation.
  • Augusta Movement

    students initiated the direct action phase of the city's Civil Rights movement.
  • Georgia Tech Integration

    officials of Georgia tech began to plot a integration.
  • Freedom Rides

    a group of students departed Washington D.C. by bus to test local compliance
  • Albany movement

    the residents of Albany Georgia launched a campaign to eliminate segregation.