March on Washington from Martin Luther King

By Erikl1
  • The start of the bus boycott

    With Rosa parks standing her place with not giving her spot up to a white man. She was promptly arrested which lead to local African community leaders to fight segregation. And on December 5th one new leader of the movement was Martin Luther King. He asked the people boycotting to do it without violence. During this Martin Luther was attacked in 1956 from a stick of dynamite being thrown at his homes porch injuring a friend and Martins wife.
  • New organization

    With the Montgomery boycott a success. In 1956 the movements leaders including Martin Luther King formed a new civil rights movement called the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
  • Birmingham marches

    Martin leads the first march in Birmingham which he is soon arrested. But from within the jail cell he writes the “letter” which called the letter from the Birmingham jail. This is smuggled out of jail and is soon read in churches and newspapers around the nation. Support is rallied.
  • Short lived agreement

    With violent clashes happening around. Businesses in Birmingham and Martin Luther jr made a short lived peace talk in having businesses having more African American salesmen. But violence still accrued.
  • “I have a dream” speech

    From the marche to Washington, Martin Luther king jr. does his famous speech of “I have a Dream”. This was in effort to push pressure on congress to pass the Civil Rights act (1964)
  • Civil acts

    After the bill of the civil acts rights being in limbo. When President Johnson became president he was able to pass the civil rights act after stoping filibusting.