
Civil Righs Movement 1950-1970

  • Brown vs board of education

  • Emmet Till is beaton and shot to death after being kidnapped and dumped in a river

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott begins

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott ends

  • Martin Luther King, Charles Steele, and Fred Shuttlesworth found the SCLC

    the SCLC or Southern Christian Leadership Conference is created and Martin Luther King becomes president of it.
  • the integration of Little Rock High School

  • James Meredith enrolls at the Universtiy of Mississippi causing violent riots

  • Martin Luther Kng is arrested and put into the Birmingham jail where he writes his letter from Birmingham Jail

  • 200,000 people take part in the March on washington, in which Martin Luther King gave his I have a dream speech

  • the Black Panthers are founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale

  • Martin Luther King is shot and killed, outside his hotel room by James Earl Ray