Cierra's US History

  • Nov 8, 1492

    Columbus lands in the New World

    Columbus lands in the New World
    In 1492 Chirstopher Columbus landed in what he thought was Asia. He was there to look for gold and spices, although he was not able to find the gold that he had promised the queen of spain.
  • Nov 10, 1492

    The Spainish Empire

    The Spainish Empire
    Chirstopher Columbus, Herman Cortes, and Franciso Pizarro concorde land in the New World. The Natives were tortured by these men when they did not provide a required amount of gold. Although many Natives died from being tortured, around 90% died from diseases that were brought from Europe.
  • Nov 28, 1519

    Herman Cortes Conquers Mexico

    Herman Cortes Conquers Mexico
    In 1519, Hernán Cortés arrived in Mexico with an army of horses and about 500 soldiers. They were sent to the New World on amission to conquers land for the great empire for Spain, and also to retrive a lot of gold.
  • Nov 10, 1534

    New France

    New France
    Jaques Carier was sent to the New World to find wealth for France. However, the French were unable to find gold, but they were able to find beavers,. The French were not experienced hunters, so they became bussiness partners with the Huron Indians.
  • Roanoke the Lost Colony

    Roanoke the Lost Colony
    Sir. Walter Raleigh eplored the New World and founded another colony named, Roanoke. Supplies was very scarce, causing Sir. Walter to return to Europe in order to retrieve new supplies. Although Sir. Walter was held up in Europe for three years, and by th etime he returned the Colony had vanished leaving no trace of life.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first English colony that was founded in the New World. A man named John Cabot was inspired by Columbus' voyages, and decided to seek a way to the New World. Cabot made the same mistake that Columbus did, he also thought that he was in Asia.
  • Pocahontas Kidnapped by the People of Jamestown

    Pocahontas Kidnapped by the People of Jamestown
    Pocahontas was kidnapped by the people of Jamestown after John Cabot left to go back to Europe. Pocahontas remained a willing prisoner for one year. During which she married a man named John Rolfe.
  • New Netherland

    New Netherland
    A man named Henery Hudson was exploering to find land for the Netherlands. Hudson founded New Netherland, which was a short-lived Dutch setlement. The Duke of York attaked New Netherland, and Peter Stuyvesant, the governor, surrenderd to the Duke. After the Duke claimed his land he renamed New Netherland New York.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Colonist were not able to pass the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. King George made this law because he wnated to keep control of the colonist, he also did this to stop the firghtng that was causing Britain to go into debt.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was created to help pay back for the debt caused by the French and Indian War. Any paper related document had to have a stamp on it, such as newspaper, wills, letters, and even playing cards were taxed.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    Colonists were forced to provide British troops with quarters, or housing. they also had to furnish the soldiers by giving them candles, firing, bedding, cooking untensls, salt, vineger, and beer or cider.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    Colonists were forced to pay taxes on all imported goods, such as glass, paint, paper, and tea. This act was made to get more money to pay the british troops/spies. The Townshend act was repealed, except for the tax on tea, because it was not raising enough money,
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act was created to persuade the colonists to buy tea by lowering the price. The tea act also gave the East India Company complete control over al the tea sales in the colonies.This caused the colonists to react by dumping all the tea on the boats into the harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts consists of:
    1. Bostons Harbors were closed off to all shipping until the ruined to was payed for.
    2. Massachusetts government is now under Britains law.
    3. More troops were sent to watch over and enforce the new laws on the colonists.
    4. Colonists formed the First and Second Continetal Congress.
  • Lexington & Concord

    Lexington & Concord
    The King refused to answer any colonial letters, and he told General Gage to remind the English Colonies who their leader was, and who they must respect. When Gage and his 700 men left the camp to march all the way to Concord. Paul Revere rode his horse all the way to Concord to warn the Continental Army that the British were coming!
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    In the Battle of Bunker Hill more than 1000 British troops were killed and about 500 Americans were killed. British and Americans alike knew that this was no small skirmish on a village green. This was the start of the war to come.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition
    Before things could get any worse many Americans were more than reluctant to make peace with King George III. The Continental Congress decided to write a letter to the King asking for peace among them. Before they received a response, the King had already commanded that his men bring the traitors to justice.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress was a group of men that were highly thought of. These men represented each colony and each man controlled, in a manner of speaking, the future of the 13 Colonies.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence stated that all of the Colonies have united against the King and that they are ready to separate from the Mother Country. When each Delegate signed the Declaration they all know that if they did not win their freedom they would most surely be hung.
    Ben F. said that "We must all hang together, or we will most assuredly hang separately."
  • The Siege of Boston (The British Abandon Boston)

    The Siege of Boston (The British Abandon Boston)
    The Continental Army got new artillery for their troops. Using their newly found artillery they surrounded the British with cannons and guns. When they awoke their only choice was to flee to the ships and leave Boston forever. The British fled to Canada. This proved that the Continental Army could defeat the British Empire.
  • Battle for New York

    Battle for New York
    Germain developed a plan to capture New York, and after that to attack Manhattan. Manhattan was known as the "heart" of the rebellion. When Washington received this news him and his troops rushed from Boston to New York. The Continental army and the British met in Brooklyn, New York and the Americans formed their defense around the city. Although the Americans were no match for the experienced British army, and by the end of the war we lost 1,407 troops, when the British lost 377 troops.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington created a plan to attack the British that were camped for the winter in Trenton, New Jersey. When him and his men finally reached Trenton they found the British happily asleep after their Christmas feasts. When the British woke up they could do nothing else but surrender to Washington. In the end, Washington took 868 prisoners without losing a single man to the British.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    By the time the Burgoyne and his men reached Saratoga, it was swarming with militiamen. Although he was clearly out numbered he ordered an attack anyways. On October 17, 1777 Burgoyne surrendered to Washington. Shortly after the Battle of Saratoga the French finally agreed to help the Americans. The battle of Saratoga was also known as the turning point in the war.
  • Ratification of the Articles of Confederation

    Ratification of the Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution. The articles told the National Govenrment how it could run and also gave more power to the States rather then have another strong central governmant. In fear that it would be come a tyrant governemnt just like King George.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Many days after entering the South General Cornwallis and his men were exhausted he decided to rest in Yorktown. What he did not know was that General Washington and the French had set a trap in Yorktown. By the time Cornwallis and his men had reached Yorktown there was a total of 16,000 troops on land and 29 French war ships blocking Chesapeake Bay, which kept the British navy from supplying the troops. General Cornwallis could do nothing but surrender to Washington and the French.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    In order to maintain peace delegates from each country met in Paris and signed the Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris had 3 main parts, which were 1. Great Britain had to recognize America as an independent and free nation. 2. Britain relieved control on whatever land they owned from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from South Canada to Florida. 3. Finally the United States had to return all rights and property taken from Loyalsits during the war.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    Was a farmers rebbellion towards the american government, for what they thought were unfair laws. They attacked an arsenal and a court house. Congress recived "a wake up call" that the articles of confederation were not working, and things needed to change.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention met at the State House in Philadelphia, the same place that the Declaration of Independence was signed by all 55 delegates. The Convention was created to resolve any issues that sturred up in the States.
  • Ratification of the U.S. Constitution

    Ratification of the U.S. Constitution
    The US Cinstitution was created to replace the Articles of Confederation. The US Constituion appointed a strong central government and gave less power to the States. This helped keep control among the States and the people in them.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The United States bought all of the Louisiana Territory from the french, becuase they wanted the French out of the "game" as soon as possible. The French seeded all of their territory.
  • Spain gives Florida to the U.S.

    Spain gives Florida to the U.S.
    Slaves were running to hide in Florida, and because of this the sent Andrew Jackson down to Florida, instead of doing what he was asked to do he invaded Florida. Spain seeded Florida, as long as we stayed out of Texas.
  • Describe one issue that upset Northerners

    Describe one issue that upset Northerners
    One issue that upset the North was when Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state. This uspeset northerners because most of Missouri was above the Ohio River. It also disturbed the balance between free and slave states, which meant more representatives for slave states.
  • Describe one issue that upset Southerners

    Describe one issue that upset Southerners
    The Tallmadge Amendment proposed that Missouri be addmitted as a free state. This upset southerners because it would give the North the ability to stop slavery.
  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    Being the greedy rich and poor people whites were back then, they decided while indians still remained they could not get the indian territory that they wanted. To insure that they did President Jackson passed The Indian Removal Act. The act allowed the president to trade the land in the East for land in the Great Plains.
  • The "Trail of Tears"

    The "Trail of Tears"
    The "Trail of Tears" involved an Indian Tribe called the Cherokee, and their struggles traveling to the Indian Territory. The Cherokee were forced to leave their homes, even though they were 1 out 5 tribes that had become civilized like the white people. Many of the Cherokee people died on this journey.
  • Texas is annexed

    Texas is annexed
    Stephen Austin founded the land (territory) and agreed to Mexican terms. The Almo is where the Americans fought Santa Anna's army. Santa Anna's army left no survivers, becuase of this it encouraged the Americans to avenge the lost people. Texas soon became independent, and was for 10 years. After ten years the United States decided to annex Texas.
  • War with Mexico

    War with Mexico
    After signing a treaty, Mexico gave up Texas and parts such as Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. The Rio Grande is what became the border of Mexico, after the U.S. bought California 10 Million and the rest of the land for 15 Million.
  • Oregon Treaty

    Oregon Treaty
    Americans decided to make a treaty with Britain because they did not want another war with the and Britain was still a very powerful country. So, the Oregon tearitory was roughly didvided in half at the 49th parallel.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War started because of disagreements between the North and the South. The main disagreement was slavery. of weither or not it should stay. There was many attempts of making a compromise, but they could never agree. When Lincoln fianlly became president the South had had enough and seceded from the Union. In fear of other states leaving Lincoln said war was to come. The south attacked fort sumter in 1846, which began the war. The South lost in 1865 and became part of the Union.
  • New York

    New York was conquared by the Duke of York in 1663. It was conquared without a single shot being fired, which means the New Netherlands gave up easily.
  • Describe a second issue that upset Northerners

    Describe a second issue that upset Northerners
    Many abolitionists wanted to top slavery in Washington D.C, but Congress refused to consider anti-slavery petitions. This upset northerners because Congress was "gagging" any debate over slavery and northerners wanted slavery out.
  • Describe a second issue that upset Southerners

    Describe a second issue that upset Southerners
    When the Wilmot Proviso stated slavery would not be allowed in the Mexican Cession sounterners grew upset. They were upset because they believed they should be able to take their "property" anywhere, it gave the North an advantage