
Chasing LIncoln's Killer

  • Lincoln's inauguration

    Fondly do we hope.... Viewing from the stands is john wilkes booth.
  • Union Victory

    The North celebrated the fall of richmond. The people built bonfires, walk in parades and celebrated
  • Surrender

    Comfederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union general Grant at Appomattox
  • The Humorous speech

    From the executive mansion Lincoln asked the band to play dixie
  • Torch light parade

    On the Executive Mansion driveway a thousand of people came to the parade at the mansion
  • Booth purposes Lincolns assassination

    Booth conspires with George Aztordelt Louse Powell, and David Herrolle to murder the President, Vice President and Secretary of State
  • Fords Theatre

    At 10pm John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln John Wilkes Booth Jumped off the stage and ran
  • John Wilkes Booth is Cornered

    Booth was found in Garrets Barn and surrounded by Calvary. He was told to surrender but he didn't so he was shot