Head shot 1

(Charlie Chaplin) Leonardo C. Zambrano Tapia, 9-3

  • Period: to

    early Life

    Born in povert, he was able to rise to become one of the createst actors, directors, writers, and producers of all time Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • Born

    Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on April 16,1889 in London, England. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • As a child

    As a child
    Raised by a lonely, musician mother. Charlie and his Harlf Brother Sydney had to work rogourously to mantain a poor household. Their mother was later sent to a mental assylum and the boys had to live alone in workhouses. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • Early Career

    Early Career
    With a love for the spotlight, Chaplin used his mothers contacts to establish himself in show buisness. He took a variety of odd jobs eventually landing his first gig on Sherlock Holmes and A Night in an English Music Hall. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • Recognition

    One day, while his mother was presenting she suddenly lost her voice. In an attempt to gain the publi's attention, the producer placed the young boy in the pdium to present. This turned out to be a hit and the audince loved it. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • The Little Tramp

    The Little Tramp
    He made his first film debut in "Make a Living" but it wasn't until "Kid Auto Races in Venice" where he introduced his "Tramp Character, a funny, loving comedic persona. One he would use for a variety of his films. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
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    Creating a variety of cult classics, Chaplin released movies that are enjoyed by everyone such as Modern Times, The Great Dictator, The Kid, The Ring and many more Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • Fame

    At age 26 he already appeared in 35 movies of which 14 were starring The Tramp. He moved to Mutual Company where he was earning $670,000 a year, making him one of the wealthiest men of the era. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • Personal Life

    Personal Life
    He was a man with numerous afairs, mostly with the actresses he casted in his movies. First he married 16 year old Mildred Harris for 2 years. After many forced and unhappy merriages, he finally settled with 18 year old Oona O'Neill having eight children with her. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • More movies

    More movies
    In 1930 he released "City Lights" a comercial and critical success, with his own music score. In 1936, "Modern Times" was released, a comentary about the world's economic situations. In 1940, he released "The Great Dictator" a satire about Hitler and Mussolini's dictatorial rule. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • Excile

    After the release of "The Great Dictator" the American Government was troubled by the fact that Chaplin might have been a communist, so they decided to deport him back to England. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • Final years

    Final years
    In 1972, Chaplin did make one final visit to the United States to recieve an honorary Academy Award, having the longest standing ovation till today. he released his final film "A Countess From Honk Kong". He was later knighted by Queen Elizabeth Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327
  • Death

    He died on Christmas day in 1977 at his home in Switzerland. His wife Oona and his 7 children were all on his bedside during his passing. Biography(January 15, 2019) Charlie Chaplin Biography, recovered From: https://www.biography.com/people/charlie-chaplin-9244327