Hoffman/ Era of Activism

  • Rachel Carson's book called " Silent Spring"

    Rachel Carson's book called " Silent Spring"
    Rachel Carson explained in her book about how they have to watch the environment and see the problem pollultion is bringing with the extreme use of the chemical DDT
  • Publication of Betty Friedan's Feminie Mystique

    Publication of Betty Friedan's Feminie Mystique
    It was a magazine that was used to put out word of womens unhappiness in the 1950s.
  • Congress passes the clean air act

    Congress passes the clean air act
    When congress passed this it illiminated the use of DDT aswell banned the use of having it.
  • Ralph Nader's Unsafe at any speed

    Ralph Nader's Unsafe at any speed
    Ralph Nadar was an consumer activist so with this he fought against companies he thought might be cutting corners I guess you can say. He got car companies to add more saftey procotions but it mainly wasn't just cars meat packaging also.
  • NOW is founded

    NOW is founded
    National Organization of Women or NOW for short was an organization that was formed to fight for womens rights in the 60s
  • Woodstock

    A concert that took place in upstate new york that camped out more then half a million and was peaceful unlike altamont which had protection. Also there was a high percentage of drug use.
  • First Earth Day celebration

    First Earth Day celebration
    Earth day was created to celebrate te earths environment and to make sure that it stays health and to try to prevent as much harmful pollultion as we can.
  • The EPA is established

    The EPA is established
    Just by the name of the agency you put together that their min goal was to make sure the environment is not harmed and is not getting pollulted
  • Protesters from the AIM take over the reservation at Wounded Knee

    Protesters from the AIM take over the reservation at Wounded Knee
    AIM was a organization of native americans who believed that they should gain some of their land back and went to Wounded Knee to try to take it back but without violence
  • Roe V. Wade

    Roe V. Wade
    Roe V. Wade was a court case against unwnted pregnancy. When ruled it legalized abortion