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Cesar Chavez

  • Early Life

    Early Life
    Cesar Chavez was born on March 3, 1927. He had a big family with two brothers and two sisters. Chavez only had a formal education of up to 7th grade. He dropped out to become a full time farmer, so his mother wouldn't have to work.
  • Navy

    Cesar Chavez joined the Navy and he served for two years. He hoped to learn skills in the Navy that would help him later on in his life. After serving he described his experience as "the worst two years of my life"
  • Delano Grape Strike

    Delano Grape Strike
    During this strike Cesar Chavez protested for higher wages for farmers. He encouraged all Americans to boycott table grapes. The strike lasted for 5 years and got a ton of attention.
  • Austin

    Cesar Chavez led boycotts and similar movements in Southern Texas. He supported fruit workers and led a march to Austin, Texas in support of the farm worker's rights. Which is why he has his own street names after him.
  • Strikes and Boycotts

    In the 1970's the United Farm Workers (UFW) organized strikes and boycotts including the Salad Bowl strike which was the biggest farmer strike in U.S. history
  • Salad Bowl Strike

    Salad Bowl Strike
    This strike was one of the biggest strikes (5,000-7,000 people) in U.S history which protested and later won higher wages for farm workers.
  • Fasts

    Chavez had tried attempted another grape boycott to protest the exposure of farmworkers to pesticides. However, this failed and Chavez fasts for 35 days.