Reyes de espana

Cenruty 18th in Spain: House of Habsburg and house of Boutbon

By Ethanol
  • Mar 14, 1516

    Charles I Habsburg

    Charles I Habsburg
    He borned in febuary of the year 1500, and died in September of 1558,with the age of 58 years. He was knowed, as the Emperor.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Philip II Habsurg

    Philip II Habsurg
    He borned in May of 1527, and died in september of 1598, at the age of 71 ages. He was knowed as the Prudent.
  • Philip III Habsburg

    Philip III Habsburg
    He borned in April of 1578, and he died in 1621, at the age of 42 years. He was knowed as teh Pious.
  • Philip IV Habsburg

    Philip IV Habsburg
    He was born in April of 1605, and he died in September of 1665 at the age of 60 years. He was knowed as the Great.
  • Charles II Habsburg

    Charles II Habsburg
    He was born In november od 1661, and he died in November of the year 1700, at the age of 38 years. He was knowed as the Bewitched.
  • Philip V Bourbon

    Philip V Bourbon
    He was born in December of 1683, and he died in July of 1746, at the age of 62 years. He was knowed as the Spirited
  • Louis I Bourbon

    Louis I Bourbon
    He borned in August of 1707, and he died in August of 1724, at the age of 17. He was knowed as the Beloved and the Liberal
  • Ferdinand VI Bourbon

    Ferdinand VI Bourbon
    He borned in September of 1713, and he died in August of 1759, at the age of 72 years. He was knowed as the Learned
  • Charles III Bourbon

    Charles III Bourbon
    He born in January of 1716, and he died in December of 1788, at the age of 45 years. He was knowed as the Enlightened and the King Mayor
  • Charles IV Bourbon

    Charles IV Bourbon
    He borned in November of 1748, and he died in January of 1819, at the age of 70 years. He was knowed as The Hunter.
  • Ferdinand VII

    Ferdinand VII
    He borned in October of 1784, and he died in September of 1833, at the age og 48 years. He was knowed as de Felon King or as the Desired.