Images 2

Cell Theory

  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Methods: Looked at a thin slice of cork through a microscope at 50x
    Institution: The Royal Society
    Where: London, England
    Funding: King Charles II
    Technology: Microscope
  • Anton Van Leewenhoek

    Anton Van Leewenhoek
    He was the father of microscopy.None of his microscopes are here today.
  • Matthias Schleiden

    Matthias Schleiden
    Schleiden was German Botanist the viewed plant parts under a microscope and discovered that plant parts are made of cells. He is considered to be the co-founder of cell theory together with Schwann, with whom he consulted.
  • Theodor Schwann

    Theodor Schwann
    Schwann was a German Biologist who viewed animal parts under a microscope and discovered that animals were made up of cells. He extended Schleiden's cell theory in plants to animals, stating that all living things are composed of cells.
  • Rudolph Virchow

    Rudolph Virchow
    Virchow was a German physician that stated that all living cells come only from other living cells. His major contribution was the idea that pathologic reactions were reactions of cells.
  • Hans and Zacharias Jansen

    Hans and Zacharias Jansen
    helped each other invent the first microscope.