Cellphone timeline

Cell phone

  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
    Bell's greatest success was achieved on March 10, 1876, marked not only the birth of the telephone but the death of the multiple telegraph as well.
  • Motoral invented the first ever portable carphone in the US.

    Motoral invented the first ever portable carphone in the US.
    in 1946 when radiotelephone service began in the U.S., the company produced mobile telephones in cars or "car phones," as they came to be called.
  • The first call made!

    The first call made!
    Martin Cooper placed the first call on a portable phone
  • The first hand held.

    The first hand held.
    Motorola introduced the 16-ounce "DynaTAC" phone into commercial service, with each phone costing the consumer $3,500.
  • Martin Cooper founded the ArrayComm company.

    Martin Cooper founded the ArrayComm company.
    Martin Cooper's role in conceiving and developing the first portable cellular phone directly impacted his choice to found and lead ArrayComm, a wireless technology and systems company founded in 1992.
  • The first touch screen phone.

    The first touch screen phone.
    The first touch screen phone was invented. From here out phones kept getting more and more complex.