Cancer Screening

  • Self Examination

    Women should begin skin and breast cancer self examinations in their late teens and doing them monthly.
    (Breast Cancer:Look for any unusual shape,shape or color. Raise your arms and look for the same changes. Feel breast for any lumps while lying down then while standing or sitting.)
    (Skin Cancer:Examine your face thoroughly, as well as scalp and hands.Use a full length mirror to inspect entire torso and elbows and sides.Use another mirror to check for any marks on the back and lower back legs.)
  • Breast Cancer Testing

    Should get a breast cancer screening at 21 and get it done every 1-3 years depending on how common it is in the family. Mammograms can be used or clinical breast exam is provided by a doctor who will feel the breast for any signs or symptoms
  • Cervical Cancer Testing

    Starting at age 21-29, women should get PAP tests done every 3 years. PAP tests get a collection of a sample of cells from the woman's cervix to test it for precancerous cells.
  • Mammograms

    Women ages 40-44 should consider yearly mammograms if they have a history of breast cancer or in their family. Mammograms use x-rays with low-energy to examine the human breast for screening.
  • Colon Cancer Screening

    All women get average risk of colon cancer at 50 and repeated in 5-10 years. Colonoscopy's are used to find cancer in the colon by using a flexible tube with a light with a camera to look at the length of the entire colon and rectum.
  • Lung Cancer Testing

    Starting at 55, get yearly low-dose CT scans for lung cancer if there is a past of smoking. An X-ray scans, using low doses of radiation, to make detailed pictures of the lungs and check for any cancer tissues.