Poster for settle

Canadian Immigration in 1900's

By bud3631
  • 1896-1905 Setting the Policy to Start the Century

    1896-1905 Setting the Policy to Start the Century
    Clifford Sifton held the position of Minister of Interior (he was also responsibe for immigration). He energetically pursued his goal of populating the prairies with agricultural immigrants. The immigrants he desired for the Canadian West were farmers (preferably from the U.S.,Britain, or Europe). Immigrants moving to cities were discouraged. I chose this event in history because (like the title suggests), it starts the fundamental guidelines to Canadian immigration throughout the century.
  • Period: to

    Period of immigration

  • Canadian Immigration Act of 1906

    Canadian Immigration Act of 1906
    Measures were introduced in the Immigration Act, 1906 to prevent other groups of people the government feared would place a struggle on the government. On top of existing rules meant to keep the insane or criminally minded out of Canada, this Act also prevented any person who had been charged but not convicted of serious crimes into the country. I chose this event because it said "birng the good people into Canada, but keep the bad out", a rule tha was followed for the majority of the century.
  • The Chinese Imigration Act of 1923

    The Chinese Imigration Act of 1923
    The Chinese Immigration Act, 1923, known in the Chinese Canadian community as the Chinese Exclusion Act was an act passed by the Parliament of Canada, banning most forms of Chinese immigration into Canada. Immigration in most countries were controlled or restricted in some way, but only the Chinese were completely banned from immigrating to Canada. This event is special beacuse it shows racism was a big issue back then (and still is), and how countries despised people just for being different.
  • Jewish Refugees (Anti Semitism)

    Jewish Refugees (Anti Semitism)
    Departments within the Canadian government memoed the Prime Minister to say they did not want to admit Jews into Canada, but they also did not want that message to become public. They wanted this exclusion to be hidden under other immigration policies. I chose this event because it shows that Hitler was not the only one who hated Jews, nearly the whole world did. Jew were finally allowed into Canada after WWII ended.
  • Ellen Fairclough implemented new Immigration Regulations

     Ellen Fairclough implemented new Immigration Regulations
    Ellen Fairclough, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, nearly eliminated racial discrimination through the introduction of a new immigration act. This new act said that any unsponsored immigrant that had the required education skill or other quality was able to enter Canada if suitable, no matter of colour, race, or national origin. I chose this event because it shows the beginning of eliminating racisism in immigration history.
  • White Paper was Tabled

    White Paper was Tabled
    The government introduced White Paper on immigration policies. This document shows that Canadians should accept and encourage as many immigrants into Canada as possible, as immigration increased national population and economic growth. It outlines how Canadians should accept those who can adapt to Canadian society and barring those who cannot. I chose this because it further advances the point of all people should be allowed into the country with less restrictions than ever before.
  • Point System is Established

    Point System is Established
    The Points System was established to judge immigrants on qualifications such as language and skill. This system attempted to remove all discrimination and bias which cements Canada's role in diplomatic mediation and international peacekeeping. During this time, the pattern of immigration swerved from European to Asian immigrants. I chose this event because it attempts to elliminate all racial descrimination possible.
  • New Immigration Bill tabled

    New Immigration Bill tabled
    The immigration act that formed the laws we follow today was intended to promote Canada's demographic, economic, cultural and social goals. This new act encouraged family reunification and attempted to fulfill Canada's international obligation with the UN, made in 1951. I chose this milestone because this bill is the bill that we use today, and the more people that know about it, the better.
  • "Boat People"

    "Boat People"
    Dec 1979, 60,000 refugees from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were resettled into Canada. Many media reports refered to them as "boat people." One of the biggest reasons for the sudden immigrant increase was because of the immigration bill that was tabeled in 1976 allowing many more immigrants to come to Canada regardless of where they came from or what condition they were in. I chose this event because it shows that many people came to Canada from all over the world to get a better life.
  • Head Tax of 1995

    Head Tax of 1995
    As part of the federal budget, the government introduced the Right of Landing Fee, known as the "Head Tax". A fee of $975 was charged to all adults, including refugees, becoming landed residents. I chose this because it goes back to the principle of "good people get in, bad people stay out." but in this case "good" means "wealthy". This makes you wonder how far we really have come over the past hundred years.