canadas role in the cold war

  • Spies in canada

    Spies in canada
    • interview with his wife- learned that there were spy networks- offered Canada documents that exposed soviet spy network- asked for protection
  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    -Act to protect the province agasint communism.
    -This was passed by the union nationale government.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade One of the first international crises of the cold war-Germany, and Soviet Union blocked the western allies railroad- Goal was to force the western powers to allow the soviet to start supplying stuff to berlin- This will give the soviets control over the city- Western allies organized the berlin airlift to bring supplies to the people
  • International Alliances: NATO

    International Alliances: NATO
    -countries became concerd about national security
    -North Atlantic Treaty Organization was made
    -group to protect against the soviet union
    -Members of the NATO are Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Britain, Canada, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Norway, USA, and Luxembourg,
  • The Forgotten War

    The Forgotten War
    • also known as korean war -North Korea decided to attack South Korea-Canada supported South Korea-Agreement to stop shooting was made- Before agreement 1000 Canadians were wounded-406 killed
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc missiles and nuclear warheads in canada

    -Born in south western Ontario-Interested in politics at a young age-13th prime minister of Canada- Served from June 21, to April 22 1963-Only progressive conservative to lead the party to an election victory- Canceled the Avro arrow
  • Sputnik and Canada's space program

    Sputnik and Canada's space program
    • Sputnik is a satellite- First artificial satellite- Metal sphere- Launched by the soviet union- Visible from everywhere- Used to deliver nuclear warhead’s in North America - Americans replaced their bomber aircraft with missiles
  • Continential Alliances: NORAD and DEW

    Continential Alliances: NORAD and DEW
    • Signed in 1958- Usa and Canada agree to defend each other- -System set up to detect incoming soviet bombers - Provides warning of sea, and land invasion
  • Avro Arrow and its cacellation

    Avro Arrow and its cacellation
    Canadian built aircraft
    -Intended to serve as the Royal Canadian Air Force’s primary aircraft-
    Canceled by Diefenbaker.-Cancelation cost 14,000 jobs for Canadians
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    • Almost war because American spy planes had taken pictures of the soviet missile sites- Canadian government suggest that they take a look of the soviets missile sites- Soviet ships turned back
  • Canada-Soviet Hockey Series

    Canada-Soviet Hockey Series
    Eight game series-Between soviet and Canada- Goal was to create a “best on best” competition- Soviets were the dominant team at the time - Canada won
  • The fall of the Berlin wall

    The fall of the Berlin wall -Barrier built by the German democrat, surrounding East Germany, from east Berlin -Included guard towers-Known as death strip- To protect its population from fascist elements - An east German government said the borders were open , and people slowly chipped away at the wall
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Fall of the Soviet Union
    -Day before president Mikhail had resigned -Handing over soviet nuclear missile launching codes to Russian president-Soviet flag was lowered-Replaced with Russian tricolor