
Canadas Role in the Cold War

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    Canada's Role in the Cold War

  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis and his party
    The Pad Lock Law of Quebec more correctly known as the act to protect the province of communist propaganda-It was passed under the government of Maurice Duplessis-The act prohibitied anyone from printing, writing, publishing, or spreading Communism or Bolshevism-Anyone found guilty of breaking this law could be sentence to serve up to a year in prison, if involved in the act 3 to 13 months
  • Spies in Canada the Gouzenko affiar

    Spies in Canada the Gouzenko affiar
    -Igor Gouzenko was sent to Ottawa to work in the Soviet Embassy
    -Whilst there he got wind of Soviets intelligence spy networks
    -He decided to expose their secrets to the Canadian Government, after learning he was to be sent back to the Soviet Union
    -At first he wasn't taken seriously but when the Soviets tried to assasinate him, the Canadian Government changed their minds and offered him protecting in exchange for intel
  • The Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade
    The boundary between countries the countries under Soviet and American influence was known as the 'Iron Curtain'-The block stopped the movement of information and products between western and eastern europe-Soviets tried to force the Allies to give up their territory in Germany-Allies refused, Soviets blocked the western section of Berlin of from the rest of western Germany, the allies however organised airlifts providing food and water
  • Internation Alliance: NATO

    Internation Alliance: NATO
    Soviets were now open about the desire to spread communist beliefs-NATO was formed because western world feared their safety, it is a defence pactto protect against soviet aggresion-All memebers pledged to support each other in the enemy was to attack
  • 'The Forgotten War' - The Korean War

    'The Forgotten War' - The Korean War
    Communist North Korea supported by communist China decided to attack Democratic south Korea supported by the USA-UN memebers were called on to support South Korea-25,000 Canadians saw action, 406 were killed-They truced in 1953-Canadians were asked to remain in Korea to make sure that the uneasy truce remained
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was the Soviets responds to NATO-It was a military alliance between all the countries under the Soviets influence-This lead to an arms race between those apart of NASA and teh Warsaw Pact-Both sides had access to hydrogen bombs-By mid 1980's each side had stocked up on enough weapons to wipe out human kind
  • The Suez Crisis

    The Suez Crisis
    Invovling France,Britian,and Israel on one side, and Eygpt and Palestinia on the opposing side-The Suez was a waterway-When the Egyptian Ruler took over the area the allies wanted to regain it-Israel was the first to attack-Britian and France followed by boming Cairo-In April the Canal was fully opened up to shipping again
  • Draft Dodgers

    Draft Dodgers
    Americans that did not want to be drafted to the American army to go fight over in Vietnam fled to Canada escaping teh drafting-Majority were thoses from the baby boomers era-Dodging Drafts wasn't new it had been happening since before world war one
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    The French had control of Vietnam at the time-The leader of Vietnam asked the USA to tell France to leave them alone-USA said no, France has the right to be their-The leader of Vietnam then goes to China and asks them for aid and they agree-With the help of the Chinese the Vietnamese kick the french out-Then the north Communist Vietnam attacks the Democratic south-The anit Communists send back up to help the south-War last for 18 years-It is technically currently a communist country
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missiles, and Nuclear Warheads in Canada

    Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missiles, and Nuclear Warheads in Canada
    The Bomarc Missile Crisis was a dispute over wether should permit their to be Nuclear weapons on Canadian soil as a part of NORAD- Josh Diefenbaker(served 1957-1963)was the 13th Priminster of Canada-He agreed to have 2 Bomarc Missiles in Canada which replaced the Avro Arrow-The missiles where known as Warheads they were nuclear weapons, which Canadians didnt want on their soil, however the missiles where still delivered and station in Canada regardless
  • Sputnik and Canadian Space program

    Sputnik and Canadian Space program
    Suputnik was the first atrificial Earth Satellite made by the Russia-When launched it was visible alround earth-This was the begining of the Space age which triggered the Space race(first to the moon)-
  • Pearson wins the Noble Peace Pirze

    Pearson wins the Noble Peace Pirze
    What a former Priminster of Canada- He was awarded the Noble Prize for his efforts end the conflict in the Suez in 1956- He was also nominated for is efforts trying to work out the problems in the Middle east through the United Nations
  • Continental Alliance: NORAD

    Continental Alliance: NORAD
    Was an combined organization between USA and Canada-It provided defence against Soviet attacks-Both countries swore to protect each other-The head quaters were in Colardo Springs by a nuclear bunker-They had warning systems to warn them if anything was approaching-If an uniftiyed object was detected NORAD was notified
  • Avro Arrow and its cancellation

    Avro Arrow and its cancellation
    Avro Arrow was a Delta Winged Interceptor Aircraft-It was intended to serve as the RCAF's primary interceptor-However it was halted abruptly and suspisionsly starting a long political debate-About 30,000 people were put out of jobs-The day it was terminated became know as 'Black Friday'
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    Also know as the October Crisis-Was the closest the world has ever come to Nuclear war-USA was set up in Turkey-Sovier union was set up in Cuba-American spys took photos of the missiles in Cuba which tiggered the Crisis-Tension ceased on the 28th when it was annoced the missiles in Cuba would be dismantled and sent back to the Soviet union-There still remains tension between Cuba and the USA till this day
  • Canada-Soviet Hockey series

    Canada-Soviet Hockey series
    On the 28th of September 1972, Paul Henderson scored the winning goal agains the Soviet Union in the Hockey Series-It was the first competition between the two-The series was played at the height of the Cold War-When Canada won intense feelings of pride, nationalism, and joy arised-It showed the Soviets that Canada was strong
  • Canadian Space Agency

    Canadian Space Agency
    Canadian Space Agency was founded in 1989-the head quaters are in Ottawa, Ontario
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Often referred to as the 'Wall of Shame'-The wall cut off east Berlin from western Berlin and western Germany-Know as the Iron Curtain from teh Cold War-It was finally brought down reuniting Germany-Parts off the wall still remain
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Fall of the Soviet Union
    This was the day of the Dissoluction of the Soviet Union-The independance of the 12 republicans was finally reconigized-The Soviet flag was lowered on and the Russian raised above the Kremlin-The Missile codes were handed over to the new prisendent of Russia-Russia however still remained communist-The countries that once made up the Soviet Union however still look to each other for help and support