Cold war mp

Canada's Role In The Cold War

  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    -This act was against using your house for communism or bolshevism.
    -This law denied the freedom of speech and innocence from many Quebec citizens.
    -The act was inspired from the change in criminal code from the Winnipeg strike in 1919.
    -They thought this law would be used to arrest indivual activists from international trade unions.
    -Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King decided not to intervene in this problem in Quebec.
  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    -The Padlock law allowed police force to take down or get rid of any communist or bolshevism groups or organizations.
    -The Padlock law was when they would place padlocks on the doors to prevent using the building.
    -Maurice Duplessis was the one who started the padlock law.
  • Gouzenko Affair

    Gouzenko Affair
    Gouzenko Affair-Igor Gouzenko worked at the Soviet Union Embassy, Ottawa
    -In Canada and western countries the Soviet spies operated many spy networks.
    -The first time Igor tried to confront this issue he was denied.
    -The second time he sent secret documents to the government and then it was accepted.
    -He confronted the issue because in 1945 his family was sent back to Russia.
    -Because of the secret documents he sent to the Canadian government 18 of the 39 people were declared criminals because of the spying.
  • Gouzenko Affair

    Gouzenko Affair
    -Igor Gouzenko was a major target for assassination from the Soviet Union.
    -He was a target for his aims to try and throw down the Soviet Union's Spies. By telling the Canadian government about there operations and documents.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Berlin Blockade-The Soviet Union caused the breaking up of Europe with its allies.
    -The breakup was forcing the allies to give up their rights to take the Western part of former Germany.
    -Meant to try block all supply coming from West Berlin.
    -Stallen did not allow food and other neccesseties to enter Berlin.
    -The Berlin Blockade failed because the Allies made an airlift for food and supply to get in.
    -The Berlin Blockade almost instigated another war in Europe.
  • NATO

    -US and Canada did not want Soviet Communist system to spread.
    -Western countries shared the same concern (1949 Nato Formed)
    -It was a defense pact that would protect people from Soviet aggression.
    -Because of the United Front against enemy attacks they would be against any kind of attacks against the members.
    -Since 1949 many countries have joined this alliance.
    -The Soviet Union in fear of an attack from NATO gathered European countries to forn the Warsaw Pact.
  • NATO

    The founding members of NATO (Democrat) are: Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States. The members of Warsaw Pact (communist)
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    Korean War-Communist North Korea and Communist China decided to attack South Korea.
    -The UN was against the attack and decided to help South Korea every way they could.
    -16 members of the UN decided to help South Korea.
    -Canada ranked 3rd in total aid support for South Korea.
    -This is where South Korea solitified their independence through the collective war effort.
    -The Canadian troops stayed in South Korea untill 1955 to keep the truce.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    -26,000 Canadian soldiers were sent to help in the Korea War.
    -516 Canadians died.
    -312 of those dead were from combat fighting.
  • The Suez Crisis

    The Suez Crisis
    -They were trying to take control over the Suez Canal.
    -Soviet Union supported Egypt
    -The United States supported Israel
    -General Nasser took full control over the Suez Canaal.
    -Israel and there allies decided to attack Egypt and take over the Suez Canal.
    -The Soviet Union threatened to defend Egypt.
    - NORAD agreed with the Soviets saying the attack was wrong.
  • Sputnik and Canada's Space Program

    Sputnik and Canada's Space Program
    -The first Sputnik satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.
    -There was a problem because they could be used to deliver warheads anywhere in North America.
    -In safety of this US made long range missiles.
    -Now the Soviets had military advantage because of the satellite.
    -Because of the Soviets launching a satellite other countries thought they had to launch satellites as well.
    -The Canadian Space Program launched their first satellite into space called the Alouette.
  • Lester B Pearson Nobel Prize

    Lester B Pearson Nobel Prize
    -Lester Pearson came up with the solution to the Suez Crisis.
    -No more shooting and Special UN peacekeeping force to monitor the withdrawal of invading forces.
    -Also, border control.
    -He won the Nobel Prize for the solution of the Suez Crisis.
    -It brought great honor to Canada

    NORAD-North America needed a better defense system.
    -Canada and US agree to defend each other.
    -If an unidentified object was found they would alert NORAD headquarters.
    -Canada allowed US to build several defense installations in the North West Territories.
    -They could pick up enemy missiles, weapons, and planes from 4800 km away.
  • Avro Arrow And Its Cancellation

    Avro Arrow And Its Cancellation
    Avro Arrow-Avro arrow was a supersonic interceptor airjet made and developed by Canadian workers.
    -Prime Minister Diefenbaker ordered that all Avro arrows be replaced with American Bomarc Missiles.
    -Because of the change 14000 Canadian jobs were lost.
    -Also, because of the change he recieved many bad results as voters in Quebec, Newfoundland, and other large cities were not impressed with the decision that Diefenbaker made.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Cuban Missile Crisis -American spies had found missile sites on the island of Cuba.
    -In respons John F Kennedy imposed a blockade be made to stop Soviet ships from shooting missiles or nuclear bombs.
    -Canada was protected because of the blockade that the US had made to block the Soviets.
    -School children were trained for attack procedures and fallout shelters in safety for the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    -Canada wanted Independent Experts to examine the site.
    -It was a crisis because if these missiles blew up the planet would have been gone.
    -It ended when the Soviet ships turned around.
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missiles and Nuclear Warheads In Canada

    Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missiles and Nuclear Warheads In Canada
    -Loses election
    -14,000 jobs lost
    -Unemployment increased
    -Economy began to slow down.
    Bomarc Missiles and Nuclear Weapons In Canada:
    -Warheads would not be allowed into Canada
    -The problem was no nuclear weapons on Canadian Soil
    -They acted in accordance to NORAD
    -Because of this they allowed Bomarc missiles and nuclear weapons to enter Canada.
    -Later in 1969 the Liberal party decided to get rid of this agreement for nuclear weapons and missiles to enter Canada.
  • Diefenbaker

    -Diefenbaker was Prime Minister from 1957-1963
  • Canada-Soviet Hockey Series

    Canada-Soviet Hockey Series
    Canada-Soviet Hockey Series-Series was played by the top Russian team and the Canadian team with NHL players.
    -Canada recieved a rude shock.
    -Canada won the series when Paul Henderson shot the winning goal in the last minutes to win the series.
    -It gave Canada a huge boost in nationalism.
  • Vietnam War & Draft Dodgers In Canada

    Vietnam War & Draft Dodgers In Canada
    Vietnam War Draft Dodgers-American men who would escape the US to avoid fighting in the Vietnam war.
    -They escaped to Canada which resulted in an increase in our population.
    -Some of these Draft Dodgers that came to Canada settled safely in Canada.
    -As part of a way to avoid conscription they would burn their draft cards. also reffered to as conscription cards.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    -Canada supported US policy during the Vietnam War.
    -Canada was a role model of peace because of them letting the draft dodgers into Canada for peace from conscription.
  • The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

    The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
    Fall Of Berlin Wall-Was referred as the Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart
    -Soviets made Eastern Berlin into a communist country.
    -Soviets blocked travel and communication between East and West Berlin and East and West Germany.
    -Big political changes in the Eastern Bloc and the liberization of there authoritarian systems and alot of civil unrest caused the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • Fall Of The Berlin Wall

    Fall Of The Berlin Wall
    -The citizens can now also travel beyond these walls.
    -Since the Berlin Wall fell now citizens can relocate wherever they want through the Berlin Wall.
    -Western allies made an airlift to get food and necesseties back to West Berlin.
  • The Fall Of The Soviet Union

    The Fall Of The Soviet Union
    Soviet Union Fall-The economy, social, and political structure of the Soviet Union failed.
    -The result of the failure saw there government was taken out.
    -The Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev resigned the day before.
    -Mikhail handed over all the Soviet Nuclear Missile Launching Codes to Russian President Boris Yeltsin.
    -The fall of the Soviet Union also marked the end of the cold war.
    -There flag was changed into the now Russian flag.
  • The Fall Of Soviet Union

    The Fall Of Soviet Union
    -Boris Yeltsin became the President of the Russian Federation.
    -Because of the Soviet Union Fall neighboring states became countries.
    -It also gave independence to the states that are now countries.