Canada In The Cold War

  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    • The Padlock Law, was a law created by Maurice Duplessis that was intended to prevent the dissemination of communist propaganda.
    • This law was created within Quebec, Canada.
  • Spies In Canada: Gouzenko Affair

    Spies In Canada: Gouzenko Affair
    • During Gouzenko work, he learned that the Soviet intelligence operated several spy networks in Canada - one of the biggest accompishments was to steal the secrets of the atomic bomb
    • Gouzenko decided to defect to Canada in 1945
    • He offered the Canadian government secret documents exposing the work of the Soviet spies and in return he asked for protection
    • If he had to make an apperence in public he would wear a hood over his head to protect his new identity
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade
    - In 1948, the Soviet Union broke an agreement with its former allies
    - It attempted to force the allies to give up their established rights to occupy the western part of the former capitial city of Germany (Berlin)
    - It was an attempt to physically bloke all suppy lines to west Berlin
    - This blockade failed becasue the allies organized an airlift to provide the food and supplies
    - This blockade did help to create tension between the Soviet Union and its former allies
  • International Allies: NATO

    International Allies: NATO
    • In 1949, several nations formed the Nation Alantic Treaty Organization- NATO
    • NATO was a defence pact intended to protect members against futher Soviet asgression
    • All members were pledged to protect each other from attack
    • They did this by, providing a united front against enemy attack, it was reasoned that the acts of aggrestion against any member nation would be effectively deterred or discouraged
  • The Forgotten War: The Korean War

    The Forgotten War: The Korean War
    The Forgotten War: The Korean War
    - In 1950, the communists in North Korea decided to attack South Korea
    - USA and Canada, supported South Korea against communist agression from North Korea
    - Of all the member nations, only 16 aided the war effort in Korea
    - In 1953, there was a trucee, an agreement to stop shooting
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    • In 1955, fear of NATO attack, the Soviet Union organized the countries behind the iron curtian into the rival military alliance
    • This alliance was known as the Warsaw Pact
    • Fearing Soviet control, communist Yugoslavia rejected the pact
    • With two opposing camps, driven by different values and beliefs and led by rivial superpowers, attention quicky focused on building military superionty, or an arm race
    • By 1950, both had created a superbomb
  • UN Peacekeeping: The Suez Crisis and Pearson wins Noble Prize

    UN Peacekeeping: The Suez Crisis and Pearson wins Noble Prize
    • Suez Canal was a waterway that connected the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
    • In 1956, General Nasser, an Egyptian leader, took control of Suez Canal
    • Britain, France, and Israel decided to reclaim control.
    • To reclaim control, the Isreal army attacked Eygpt
    • The solution was found by Canada's secretary of state of external affairs, Lester Pearson Pearson called for an immediate end to all the shooting
    • In 1957, Lester Pearson was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize for his great w
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missiles and Nuclear Warheads in Canada

    Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missiles and Nuclear Warheads in Canada
    • John Diefenbaker was the 13th Canadian Prime Minister
    • He led the conservative party, he served from June 21st, 1957 to April 22nd, 1963.
    • As PM, he cut taxes, raised senior's pensions, and helped farmers
    • He also got rid of the Avro Arrow and replaced it with the American Bomarc missiles
    • Warheads were a type of explosion not allowed in Canada
    • This limited the American control of when or when not the Canadian missiles could be used
  • Sputnik and Canada's Space Program

    Sputnik and Canada's Space Program
    Sputnik Launched
    - In 1957, a Russian satellite was launched into space
    - The Sputnik itself wasn't a problem but it could send a nucleaur warhead to anywhere in North America
    - This caused the US to become upset, and the Cuban Missle Crisis was created
  • Avro Arrow and it Cancellation

    Avro Arrow and it Cancellation
    Avro Arrow and it Cancellation
    - The Avro Arrow was a technically advanced, jet that was built by Canadians to intercept bombers from enemy countries
    - The role of the Avro Arrow was to protect against the threat of Soviet bombers attacking North America over the Arctic
    - The project was cancelled on February 20th, 1959 for many different reasons such as rising cost and the lowering threat of Soviet attack by bombers
    - It was cancelled by Diefenbaker and 14,000 Canadians lost their jobs
  • Continental Alliances: NORAD and DEW

    Continental Alliances: NORAD and DEW
    • NORAD stands for The North American Air Defense agreement and was signed in 1958
    • The term NORAD stood for the agreement that Canada and the U.S would help defend each other
    • Canada permitted the Americans to build several defence installations in the Northwest Territories to create the DEW
    • DEW stood for Distant Early Warning
    • With the help of the DEW they could pick up approaching enemy aircraft and missles from 4800 km
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    - The U.S. detected a Soviet missile on a launching site in Cuba
    - For days the U.S. and the Soviet Union were on the verge of war.
    - The USSR finally agreeded to remove the missile in return for a secret alliance with the U.S. to withdraw its own missiles from Turkey and to never invade Cuba.
    - Canada refused to put its troops on alert, becasue Diefenbaker and Kennedy relation was uneasy.
    - The incident increased tensions during the Cold War and fueled the nuclear arms race.
  • Canada - Soviet Hockey Series

    Canada - Soviet Hockey Series
    Canada - Soviet Hockey Series
    - The Canada - Soviet Hockey Series was organized between the top Russian and Canadian hockey players
    - The series were split with 3 wins for each team
    - During the final game in Moscow, Canadian Paul Hendersonwon won the winning goal
    - Giving Canada a lot of national pride
  • Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers in Canada

    Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers in Canada
    Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers in Canada
    - The Vietnam War was the struggle between nationalist forces attempting to merge the country of Vietnam under a communist government and the United States attempting to prevent the spread of communism.
    - Richard Nixon, the new president Americans elected, promised to end the war being fought by Americans in Vietnam
    - During this, Canada was a home for many young American's that did not want to fight in Vietnam
    - These man were called Draft Dodgers
  • The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

    The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
    • The Berlin Wall was the division between West Berlin and East Germany from 1961 to 1989
    • It was also the boundary between democracy and communism
    • On November 9th, 1989, an eastern German government official told the Germans that the borders of the wall were open, and the wall slowly went away
    • When the Berlin Wall came down, East and West Germany finally one again
  • The Fall Of The Soviet Union

    The Fall Of The Soviet Union
    The Fall Of The Sovient Union
    - On December 25th, 1991, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned and the post is abolished.
    - On December 26, 1991, the USSR did not exsist anymore
    - The Soviet flag was lowered for the last time and was replaced with the Russian tricolour.