Burren timeline

Burren History Timeline

By burren
  • Birth of the solar system

    Birth of the solar system
    The solar system was made 4560 million years ago!!
  • Formation of the moon

    Formation of the moon
    4520 million years ago
    The moon probably formed when a giant astroid crashed into the early Earth -"The Big Splash "! Vast amount of molten rock would have been blasted out into space and the n clumped together to form the moon.
  • Earths crust forms

    Earths crust forms
    4300 million years ago!
    The Earths crust did not form until the Earths surface was at aout 1,200 degrees C !!!
  • First life on Earth

    First life on Earth
    3500 million years ago
    The first life on Earth were bacteria that lived in nasty chemicals that would kill us today.
  • First Oxygen in the Atmosphere

    First Oxygen in the Atmosphere
    2700 million yers ago!!
    The first oxygen in the atmosphere was built up over time thanks to bacteria - which released it as a waste product!
  • First Ozone Layer

    First Ozone Layer
    580 million years ago!!
    The Ozone is made of oxygen and absorbs harmful UV radiation!
  • First Animals With Hard Skeletons

    First Animals With Hard Skeletons
    545 million years ago!!
    The first animals were probably soft worm-like creatures that burrowed through sediment. Animals evolved hard shells and skeletons only later, probably to protect themselves from predators.
  • First Life on Land

    First Life on Land
    475 million years ago!!
    The first forms of life on land were plant not animals!!
  • Burren rocks form

    Burren rocks form
    330 million years ago!!!
    The rocks of the Burren formed in a shallow tropical sea filled with animals with hard shells and skeletons such as coral sea lilies and shellfish.
  • Cliffs of moher rocks form

    Cliffs of moher rocks form
    318 million years ago!!
    The rocks at the Cliffs of Moher were laid down in a delta where a massive river flowed out into a tropical sea.
  • First Dinosaurs

    First Dinosaurs
    225 million years ago.
    The word "Dinosaur" means "fearfully great lizard".
  • Atlantic Ocean Opens

    Atlantic Ocean Opens
    150 million years ago!!
    The Atlantic Ocean is spreading at about 2.5cm per year.
  • First grass

    First grass
    90 million years ago!!
    The oldest known grass fossils were found in India in fossil dinosaur dung.
  • Extinction of the dinosaurs

    Extinction of the dinosaurs
    65 million years ago!!
    A meterorite impact alone cannot explain the extinction of the dinosaurse . Around the same time there were massive volcanic eruptions in India that releasd lots of gas and dust into the atmosphere causing a climate change catastrophe.
  • First humans.

    First humans.
    2 million years ago!!
    Our specices Homo sapiens is the only species of human today but in the recent geological past there were up to three different species of Homo alive at the same time.
  • End of the last ice age

    End of the last ice age
    0.01 million years ago!
    During the most recent ice age average temperatures in Ireland would have been around -34 degrees in winter and only 3-12 degrees in summer.