
Brandon Hernandez-Poe-7th

  • Career Beginnings

    Career Beginnings
    Edgar Allan Poe was accepted into West Point, a military academy. Before going to West Point he published a collection Al Aaraaf, Tamberlane, and minor poems. while at the military academy he prefected his studies, but got kicked out for not keeping to his duites. This effects his writing by him starting his writing career.
  • Life as a writer

    Life as a writer
    After getting kicked out he lives with aunt Maria Clemm in Baltimore there he becomes a big cut-throat critic. While living with his aunt, his younger cousin became inspried by his work that they created a love interest between each other. How this effects his writing was how he viewed his and other peoples writing, seeing that he can always improve.
  • Peek of work

    Peek of work
    At this point of Poes life he published his best work, "The Raven" , "The Fall of the House of Usher,". Because this made more of his wealth he kept with this form of gothic writing.
  • Under fire

    Under fire
    Poe coming under fire for criticism of a fellow poet. This changed his writings darsticly, he wrote a several essays explained his methodology, other than his other stories as in "The Raven." and others.