
Bob DaBuilder Timeline

  • Bob's problem

    Bob's problem
    Bob is begin to become overweight and can't do his job as well
  • Bob's New Years Resolution

    Bob's New Years Resolution
    Bob makes a New Years resolution to lose weight by eating better and working out
  • Bob might loss his business

    Bob might loss his business
    Bob cant sleeep at night because he is so stressed about his business going bankrupt
    Bobs works harder and keeps positive and gets his company back on track
  • Bob's friend Wendy starts drinking alcohol

    Bob's friend Wendy starts drinking alcohol
    hes afraid she'll start dinking and driving
    she will become adicted to alcohol
    she'll begin to experiance liver problems
    she,ll begin to have high blood pressure
  • Bob's bulldozer dies

    Bob's bulldozer dies
    Bob was depressed that his best friend died
    Bob accepted the fact that she died and rembers good times they had
  • Bob friends a risk of heart attacks in his framily so he eats better foods

    Bob friends a risk of heart attacks in his framily so he eats better foods
    by eating healthy Bob reduced his risk of cancer, storke, type 2 diabetes, and heart attacks
  • Bobs uncle starts smong again

    Bobs uncle starts smong again
    Bob is worried that his uncle will develope lung cancer, have a stroke, and Buerger's Disease
  • Bob begins to go through puberty

    Bob begins to go through puberty
    Bob develope low self esteem for his changing body
    Bod is starting to develope feeling foe his friesnd Wendy
  • Bob takes the keys away from wendy we she trys to leave from a party

    Bob takes the keys away from wendy we she trys to leave from a party
    Bob tells wendy that 10,839 people will die in drunk driving crashes one every 50 minutes this year and that one person is injured from an alcohol-related crash every minute
  • Bob is home sick a whole week with the flu

    Bob is home sick a whole week with the flu
    he can treat is by satying rested, taking over the counter medication, and blow your nose often
    he can avoid it by getting the flu vacine, avoid sick people, and cover your mouht when you cough
  • Bob makes a plegde of abstinens

    Bob makes a plegde of abstinens
    Bod's mom gave him three tips, choose you friends wisely, dont tempt yourself with partys. and remained yourself of advantages you have