reconstruction plans tj

  • Civil Rights act of 1866

    Civil Rights act of 1866
    Was the first united states federal law to define citizanship.It also affirmed that all citizens were equally protected by the law. It was mainly the rights to protect african americans.
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction Timeline

  • Black codes

    Black codes
    The black codes were the newly freed black Americans laws like illegal to rent or own a farm and made it easier for white employers to take control of african Americans.
  • Reconstruction Acts

    Reconstruction Acts
    After the end of the civil war the congress passed four statutes known as the reconstruction act. An act to provide for the more efficient goverment for the rebel states. fulfillement of the requirements was nessesary for the confederate states.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amendment to the constitution was adapted as one of the reconstruction acts. Gives liberty and property to all born or naturalised in the united states which includes slaves freed and gives citizianship.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th amendment allowed all african american people to vote. In the final years of the cival war and reconstruction era that followed congress repeatitly debated about the rights of million former black slaves.