birth of cinema

By bhxbj
  • First Photograph

    First still photograph is taken by Claude Niepce by using a glass plate.
  • Joseph, Plataeu Phenakistoscope

    Acted as an illusion.
  • Negatives on paper instead of glass

    Henry Fox Talbot introduces with the production of negatives on paper instead of glass.
  • Capture of Movement

    Eadweard Muybridge did this by setting up 12 trip wires for when the horses activated them a camera took a picture capturing the movements.
  • Photographic Gun

    Exposed 12 images on the edge of the circular plate.
  • Kodak Camera

    George Eastman makes a still camera and sells it by the name of Kodak.
  • Kinetoscope

    Thomas Edison and W.K. Dickson create a device in which film is moved past a light.
  • Cinématographe

    Louis and Auguste Lumière design a camera which serves as both a recording device and a projecting device called the Cinématographe.
  • Workers leaving the Lumière factory at Lyon

    The first film shot with the Cinématographe .
  • The Silent Film Era

  • A trip to the moon

  • The Great Train Robbery

  • First animated cartoon

  • Credits begin to appear at the beginning of Motion Pictures

  • Birth of a Nation

  • The Sheik

  • Nosferatu

  • First in-flight movie

  • Warner Bros. is established

  • The Gold Rush

  • Battleship Potenkin

    Battleship Potenkin was a very influential film.
  • The end of the Silent Era

  • First Drive-in movie theartre

    New Jersey, USA
  • Walt Disney's first full length animated feature

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • first animated musical

    The first full-length animated musical, Mr. Bug Goes to Town, is released.