
Biography of Miguel Angel Asturias

  • His birth

    His birth
    Miguel Angel Asturias was born in Guatemala city, the first child to Ernesto Asturias and Maria Rosales de Asturias
  • He and his family

    He and his family
    He and his family was forced to move to the town of Salama. He started living on his grandparent's farm, it was here that Asturias first came into contact with the guatemalan indigenous people that have a great influence in his work.
  • He started writing his first draft

    He started writing his first draft
    He began writing as a student and wrote the first draft of a story that would later become his novel, "El senor presidente".
  • Uprising against dictator Manuel Estrada

    Uprising against dictator Manuel Estrada
    Asturias participated in the uprising against dictator Manuel Estrada Cabrera. He took an active role, such as organizing strikes in his high school and formed a group with his fellow classmates called "La generacion 20"
  • Asturia's university thesis

    Asturia's university thesis
    His university thesis, "the social problem of the indian" was published.
  • His deep concern for Mayan culture

    His deep concern for Mayan culture
    Asturias developed a deep concern for mayan cutlure, therefore he worked to translate the mayan sacred text, the Popol Vuh, into spanish.
  • His first novel and prize in france

    His first novel and prize in france
    Asturias published his first novel "Leyendas de Guatemala" and received the Sylla Monsegur Prize for tjhe french translations of "Leyendas de Guatemala".
  • His first poetry published

    His first poetry published
    Asturias wrote several volumes of poems, the first being his Sonetos (Sonnets)
  • His diplomatic career

    His diplomatic career
    Asturias started his diplomatic career, continuing to write while serving in several countries in Central and South America
  • His novel "El Senor Presidente"

    His novel "El Senor Presidente"
    His novel "El Senor Presidente" was published
  • His novel "Men of maze"

    His novel "Men of maze"
    His novel "Men of maze" was published, during his time as ambassador to Mexico.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    He received the Nobel Prize in Literature
  • His death

    His death
    Before Asturias died, he helped found the Popular University of Guatemala and spent his last years in Madrid. He is buried in Pere Laichese Cemetery in Paris.