

  • Period: to


  • Invention of first diesel engine

    Invention of first diesel engine
    Rudolf Diesel invented the first diesel engine in 1898 Germany.
  • Rudolf Diesel demonstrates diesel engine.

    Rudolf Diesel demonstrates diesel engine.
    In 1900, Rudolf Diesel demonstrated his diesel engine by running it on peanut oil at the World Exhibition in Paris, France.
  • Henry Ford's Model T

    Henry Ford's Model T
    In 1903, Henry Ford invents his Model T, an engine that runes on corn ethanol.
  • Mixed Gasoline

    Mixed Gasoline
    In 1918, blended gasoline was invented. Alcohol could be bleneded with gasoline to produce a working motor fuel.
  • Clean Air Act by Environmental Protection Agency

    Clean Air Act by Environmental Protection Agency
    In 1970, the Clean Air Act by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allowed them to regulatre emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides.
  • Renewable Fuel Association formed

    Renewable Fuel Association formed
    In 1981, the Renewable Fuel Association (RFA) was formed in the United States as a voice for the ethanol fuel industry, and important industry data and anlysis.
  • Energy Policy Act by Environmental Protection Agency

    Energy Policy Act by Environmental Protection Agency
    In 1992, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passed the Enregy Policy Act in which the United States must reduce their dependency on foreign oil.
  • E15 Available

    E15 Available
    On 2010 October 13, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officially allows 15% ethanol fuel (E15) to be publically sold.
  • U.S. Corn Crops as Fuel

    U.S. Corn Crops as Fuel
    In 2002, 11% of corn crops were used for fuel production.
  • US Consuption of Ethanol

    US Consuption of Ethanol
    In 2005, U.S. Consuption of ethanol was recorded at 4 billion gallons.
  • The Biorefinrey Initiative

    The Biorefinrey Initiative
    In 2006, $150 million were proposed for the 2007 federal budget for the research and development of new technologies towords producing fuel ethanol from cellulosic biomass.
  • Energy Independence and Security Act

    Energy Independence and Security Act
    In 2007 December 19, President Bush signed into law the Energy Independence and Security Act, which mandates a sixfold increase of ethanol usage in the United States by 2022
  • B2 in Thailand

    B2 in Thailand
    On 2008 April 1, 2% biodiesel blend gasoline was available throughout Thailand.
  • Biofuels in United Kingdom

    Biofuels in United Kingdom
    In 2008 April 15, the Renewable Transport fuel Obligation (RTFO), all consumers fuel sold must contain at least 2.5% biofuel.
  • Carbon Dioxide EmissionsCap

    Carbon Dioxide EmissionsCap
    In 209 Jne 26, the United States House of Representatives of the American Clean Energy and Security Act, put a cap on carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Biofuels in Military

    Biofuels in Military
    In 2010 March 31, United States President Obama announces the use of biofuels in military vehicles.
  • Brazil Import Tariffs on Ethanol

    Brazil Import Tariffs on Ethanol
    In 2010 April 1, Brazil removes import tarrifs on ethanol until the end of 2011.
  • B5 in Malaysia

    B5 in Malaysia
    In 2011, Malaysia mandated the use of B5 biodiesel fuel blend to be used in all vehicles. The B5 was a blend containing 5% processed palm oil.