
Bill Melendez

  • birth

    Bill was born in november 15, 1916 in Hermosillo Sonora with the name of José Cuauhtémoc Melendez.
  • Moving to Arizona

    Moving to Arizona
    In 1928 his family and him moved to Arizona so they could learn english.
  • Moving to LA

    Moving to LA
    In 1930 his family and him moved to LA where he started studying in Chouinard Art Institute.
  • Walt Disney Studios

    Walt Disney Studios
    In 1938 Bill was hired by Walt Disney Studios, where he worked as a cartoonist. Making cartoons such as Mickey Mouse and films such as Pinoccio, Fantasia, Bambi and Dumbo.
  • Marriage

    He married Helen Huhn in 1940
  • Warner Bros. Studios

    Warner Bros. Studios
    In 1941 he was hired by Warner Bros. Studios where he animated many shows such as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.
  • A Winner

    A Winner
    18 out of 20 prizes at the American TV Commercials Festival were for Bill Melendez.
  • Bill Melendez Productions

    Bill Melendez Productions
    In 1963 he founded Bill Melendez Productions
  • Last Peanut Production

    Last Peanut Production
    In 2006 he had his last Peanut related production.
  • death

    He died on September 2, 2008 in Santa Monica, California, USA at the age of 91.