BES Report: Chasing Lincoln's Killer By Jordan Vanek

  • Exposition 1: Background

    Exposition 1: Background
    John Wilkes Booth was on the run after killing President Lincoln. He was a target and the people who helped him were also on the run.
  • Exposition 2: Setting

    Exposition 2: Setting
    Location: Washington D.C.
    When (the year): 1865.
    It takes place around April 9th and the 26th of April, but there were events that were earlier.
  • Exposition 3: Characters

    Exposition 3: Characters
    Abraham Lincoln: President of the United States at that time.
    John Wilkes Booth: He was the assassin of President Lincoln.
    Mary Surratt: She helps John Wilkes Booth with the plan of killing Lincoln.
    David Herold: A man who was in the Sewage House disaster.
    Lewis Powell: He helps John Wilkes Booth by trying to kill Lincoln.
    George Atzerodt: He helps John Wilkes Booth with the killing of Lincoln.
  • Rising Action: Conflict

    Rising Action: Conflict
    John Wilkes Booth wanted to kidnap Lincoln to win the war for the south. He also tried to kill Lincoln but failed a few times.
  • Rising Action #1

    Rising Action #1
    John Wilkes Booth wanted to kill the government, while Lincoln was sent death threats and poisoned fruits.
  • Rising Action #2

    Rising Action #2
    John Wilkes Booth went to the theater to get his redemption on Lincoln. ( He didn't agree that Lincoln should be president).
  • Rising Action #4

    Rising Action #4
    John Wilkes Booth tried to kill Lincoln's cabinet officers. He came up with a plan to kill these people but he failed.
  • Rising Action #3

    Rising Action #3
    At the theater, John Wilkes Booth looked for Lincoln. He saw Lincoln and makes his move by shooting Lincoln.
  • Rising Action #5

    Rising Action #5
    John Wilkes Booth had a plan for killing these people. He decided to kill Lincoln and avoid the police.
  • Rising Action #6

    Rising Action #6
    Lewis Powell tried to kill the secretary of State Seward. This was William Seward.
  • Rising Action #7

    Rising Action #7
    An issue of the National Police Gazette showed scenes of the attacks. ( They showed Lincoln getting shot and John Wilkes Booth jumping off the stage of the theater).
  • Climax/ Turning Point

    Climax/ Turning Point
    John Wilkes Booth shoots Lincoln and Lincoln dies in his death bed.
  • Falling Action #1

    Falling Action #1
    David Herold was happy that he escaped the Sewage House Disaster.
  • Falling Action #2

    Falling Action #2
    Stanton goes to the police to find the assassinators.
  • Falling Action #3

    Falling Action #3
    John Wilkes Booth finds a place to hide from the police.
  • Falling Action #4

    Falling Action #4
    John Wilkes Booth breaks his leg and worries if this could be the end of his life.
  • Falling Action #5

    Falling Action #5
    George Atzerodt was arrested for helping Booth kill Lincoln or plan Lincoln's abduction.
  • Resolution #2

    Resolution #2
    They found one of Lincoln's killers and seized him. (The police killed him).
  • Resolution #1

    Resolution #1
    Lincoln's killers were trying to run away from the crime while the police were searching for them.
  • Resolution #3

    Resolution #3
    John Wilkes Booth was FINALLY killed for murdering Lincoln. (What a relief for Lincoln's family because they got justice and Lincoln was avenged).