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Benjamin Franklin By Abram Gallegos & Gerron Allen

By Abram12
  • Birth

    "Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston Massachusetts."
  • Sailed to England

    Sailed to England
    "After five year of working as an apprentice for his autocraic brother in order to learn the trade printer, Franklin left his service nd at age 17, he sailed to England."
  • Franklin's Debating Club

    Franklin's Debating Club
    "As his personal wealth increased, Franklin devoloped his civic and scientific interests. He organized a Debating Club in 1727. Which led to the founding of a circulating library."
  • published hiserennial bestsellero "Poor Richards Almanack"

    "He published he first edition of hisperennial bstsellero "Poor Richard's Amanack"
  • Politics

    "Franklin could have retired to enjoy the life of a wealthy buisness man and scientists but decided to enter into politics."
  • University of Pensylvania

    University of Pensylvania
    "The American Philosophical Society (1743); and an academy in 1751 that involed into making the University of Pennsylvannia." (ABC-CLIOdatabases.com).
  • Pennsylvania Colonial Legislature

    "Ben Franlin was elected to the Pennsylvania colonial legislature and began a phenomenally successful and broad carrer of 39 years of public service." (ABC-CLIO.com).
  • Postal System

    "From 1753 to 1774, as deputy postmaster general, Franklin developed an efficient and financially self-supporting psotal system."
  • stamp act town shed acts

    stamp act town shed acts
    "Frankllin warned pariliament that such measure as a stamp act of 1767 would sour the dispositions of the people and if enforced could eventuallypercipate civil strife".
  • Franklin's Inventions

    Franklin's Inventions
    "Franklin deduced the benifit of lightning rods to protect homes from a natural electrical catastrophe" (ABC-CLIOdatabases.com).
  • letters written by governer thomas hutchinson

    letters written by governer thomas hutchinson
    "Letters written by the govner Thomas Hutchinson of Massachusetts to govenment officials and freinds in London were surreptitously obtained by Franklin and passed on to in Boston." (ABC-CLIO.com).
  • Franklin Dies

    Franklin Dies
    "Franklin died soon after on April 17, 1790." (ABC-CLIO.com).
  • Symbol#1 Owl

    Symbol#1 Owl
    "To see an owl in your dream symbolizes wisdom, insiht, magic, expanded awareness and virtue. You are highly connected to your intuitive senses and psychic power and intelligence." Ben Franklin represents a Owl because he is intelligent , and has wisdom, and he belives in freedom and he is a genious.
  • Symbol# 2 Color Blue

    Symbol# 2 Color Blue
    "Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness." Ben Franklin represents blue because he is trustworthy, loyal, hopenessly, wisdomy."
  • Works Cited

    "Benjamin Franklin: closing speech to the Constitutional Convention (1787)." American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.
    "Dream Moods Search Error!" An Online Guide To Dream Interpretation. Web. 29 Nov. 2011. http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/dreamdictionarysearch.pl?method=exact.