Benjamin franklin by joseph siffrein duplessis

Benjamin Franklin

  • Birth

  • Invents Swim Fins

    Invents Swim Fins
    CC In his early childhood, Benjamin helps inventing a invention we use today. This helps him become a better inventor in the future.
  • Marries Deborah Read

    Marries Deborah Read
    September 1, 1730
  • Poor Richard's Almanack Published

    Poor Richard's Almanack Published
    This was to help the public. This was a great inspirational piece of advice. Was a very popular piece in the time. Influenmced many writings.
  • Brother Dies

    Brother Dies
    Benjamin Franklin's brother dies, and he gives copies of Richard's Almanac to his brother's wife. This shows his sympathy and his character for being nice. He gave copies for her to sell and use to get money.
  • The General Magazine and Historical Chronicle

    The General Magazine and Historical Chronicle
    One of the first magazines. Although this magaizne had failed, it had helped improve Benjamin's Franklin's Writing Skills. This had also helped him in political situations. This magazine was about being more American, and less British which was a pert of in the creating of a new governemnt.
  • Begins Electricty Experiments

    Begins Electricty Experiments
    CC He begins expermineting with electricity. This shows his desire to discover and invent. This has shaped his life by making him intrested to do his famous kite expermient that he is mainly known for.
  • Does the Famous Kite Experiment

    Does the Famous Kite Experiment
    Benjamin Franklin uses the kite experiment to help analyze electricity and prove a point that someone believed he was incorrect. This shows his ability not only be intelligent, but also shows that he was very intrested in experimenting.
  • Creates Albany Plan of Union

    Creates Albany Plan of Union
    Was a good idea rejected by most people who decided to stay seprate. This was the idea that the colonies should come together to fight as one union. This had helped him establish the Cosntitution which is the government document that unfies the states.
  • Inevented Bifocals

    Inevented Bifocals
    Benjamin F. had made bifocals. An invention that wil change glasses as we know it. One of his greatest inventions and made a change in vision for partially blind.
  • Appointed to Support Rebellion Against Stamp Act

    Appointed to Support Rebellion Against Stamp Act
    CC This was an event where Benjamin was appointed to support stoping the stamp act. This shows his political influence on events and how has a say in many political decisions. This helps in the future when he has to make political arguements and sign other treaties.
  • Signs French Alliance

    Signs French Alliance
    This has made an effect on the American Revolution. This allowed the French to help Americans. This might have chamnged the whole entire war. Without the French, the war could of easily been lost.
  • Attends Constitutional Convention

    Attends Constitutional Convention
    This is the event where Benjamin Franklin will sign the constitution. This event was the outcome of Benjamin Franklin being a very rich and highly educated man. Using his political strnegth and being on the Federalist side, he was able to be part of a new government.
  • Signs Consititution

    Signs Consititution
    This shows that he was very potlitical. He had influenced the forming of our governemnt and representation.
  • Writes anti-slavery treatise

    Writes anti-slavery treatise
    A writing about slavery. This writing was against slavery and was very inspirational.
  • President of: Pennsylvania Abolition Society

    President of: Pennsylvania Abolition Society
    He becomes the leader of a group that opposed slvaery. He was gainst slavery which put an effect in abolition.
  • Death

  • Soldiers sent to South

    Soldiers sent to South
    After This Day: Soldiers are sent to enforce the ban on slavery. Franklin was against slavery. Before he died he joined the Pennsylvania Abolition Society. This was for abolition.
  • Governemnt

    By signing the Constitution and help supporting his arguments, we have a governemnt that fucnstions and does its job. This was mostly because of the delegates removing the Articles of Confederation and making the Constitution we use today