Ben Franklin - Noelle, Robert, Justin

By dhimes
  • Born

    Boston, Massachusetts
  • droped outn of school

    In 1715 Ben droped out of hischool
  • inventor

    In 1717 Ben became an inventor
  • he wrote a ballad

    In 1718 Ben wrote a ballad about Black Beard getting captured the day befor that
  • moved

    In 1720 he moved away from Boston
  • Became a deist

    In 1721 he became a deist
  • reterns home

    in 1724 ben retarns home to boston
  • publish

    in 1725 Ben published his first pamphlet
  • another job

    In 1726 Ben worked for a man named Thomas Denhamwho. The man who gave him the money that he used to go home to Boston in 1724
  • plerisy attack

    Ben suffers a plerisy attack
  • electricety

    In 1752 Ben descovered electricety
  • died

    In 1790 Ben died
  • got a job

    he takes over his brothers job after his brother went tojail