Beeson.Johann Grid Dirk (Dietrich) Kreamer

  • Dietrich's birth

    Dietrich's birth
    Johann Grid Dirk (Dietrich) Kreamer was born in Germany.
  • significant Person

    Margaretha Elisabeth Bueter Married Dietrich.
  • Significant Person

    Margaretha Elisabetha Kreamer was Dietrich firs born daughter. married Gerhard Stammen and moved to St. Sebastian, Ohio
  • world history

    world history
    George Washington was the preasedent all the time of Dietrich's life in America.
  • Chalenges faced

    Chalenges faced
    traviling to the U.S.A. was very hard.
  • achievement

    on Dietrich's jurny to the U.S.A. was almost a disaster. Dietrich and his family almost got sent bach to Germany.
  • world history

    world history
    the U.S.A. national debt is 0 for the first and only time.
  • world hisory

    world hisory
    the treaty of new Echota is signed, ceding all the lands of the cherokee east of the mississippi river to the U.S.A.
  • Signifisent person

    Maria Kreamer was born and was Dietrich's second born daughter. She later married Henry VonderHaar and moved to live in St. Peter, Ohio.
  • significent person

    Carolina Kreamer was born and was Dietrich's third child. she later married Henry Will and moved to St. Sebastian, Ohio
  • Challenged faced

    Challenged faced
    cholera was spreading rapidly and were killing tons of millions of perple
  • significent person

    Anna M. Kreamer was born and was Ditrich's fourth born daughter. She later married John J. Reichert and moved to Cassella, Ohio
  • significent person

    Phiomena Kreamer was born and was Dietrich's fith born daughter. She later married Joseph W. Kramer and moved to Maria Stein, Ohio
  • signifigent person

    Katherine Kreamer was dierich's sixth born daughter. She later married John Buehler and moved to Carthagena, Ohio
  • significent Person

    Franz John Kreamer was born and is Dietrich's first born son. he later married mary Sitz and moved into the family farm he inhariter from his father.
  • Achievment

    dirring the cholera outbust all his kids lived and married.
  • significent person

    Agnes Kreamer was born and was Dietrich's last born child. She later married Joseph Roeckner and moved to chickasaw, Ohio
  • Dietrich's death

    Dietrich's death
    Dietrich died in Ohio and leafed his farm to his only son Franz
  • Birth of 49th Great Great Great Great Grand child was born

    Birth of 49th Great Great Great Great Grand child was born
    Nolan Anthony Beeson is Dietrich's 4th Great Grandson.