2 year old and tantrums

Beckhams Toddler Milestones

By mpearce
  • Period: to

    Beckham Age 1-3

  • Beckham 1 year of age (FORM)

    Beckham 1 year of age (FORM)
    Over Beckhams 1st birthday Beckham starts to say one-word phrases like asking for "momma" when he wants attention. Also when something exciting happens Beckham claps his hands and says yes!
  • Beckham 1 year of age (CONTENT)

    Beckham 1 year of age (CONTENT)
    Beckham starts to understand true words such as momma, dada and doggy. He uses these phrases when he wants mom or dad's attention and he always (oscar) his dogy. He also understood when his mom said no when he tried to eat dirt.
  • Beckham 1 year of age (USE)

    Beckham 1 year of age (USE)
    Beckham starts to express emotions when he is mad or frustrated when he can't pull himself up next to the table. Beckham also starts to learn the roles of both speaker/listener and takes turns when saying simple phrases
  • Beckham 2 years of Age (USE)

    Beckham 2 years of Age (USE)
    Beckham uses descriptors such as "in", "on", "big", and "little". Beckham also uses two or three-word sentences. When he wants something he says "Mom want cookie".
  • Beckham 2 years of age (CONTENT)

    Beckham 2 years of age (CONTENT)
    Beckham is able to use confrontation naming which is the concept of labeling known pictures in rapid succession. Using the word "juice" when speaking of not only apple juice, but orange juice, and grape juice. He is also able to distinguish pictures of juice in storybooks. Beckham has also begun to use pronouns that include (I, you, me, we, they).
  • Beckham 2 years of age (FORM)

    Beckham 2 years of age (FORM)
    Beckham uses expressive words consistently and properly in sentences. This expressive language may contain few grammatical markers such as "ing," "a," and "the." Beckham uses k,g,f,t,d, and n sounds. Beckham points at the sky and says "Mommy kite".
  • Beckham 3 Years of Age (CONTENT)

    Beckham 3 Years of Age (CONTENT)
    Beckham is using 2 to 3 word sentences. When Daddy is gone during the day Beckham says, "Daddy at work". Beckham is acquiring new words every day. Beckham picked a flower at the park and his Mom said, "That's a flower" so now Beckham calls anything that he has picked from the ground a "flower".
  • Beckham 3 Years of Age (FORM)

    Beckham 3 Years of Age (FORM)
    Beckham is understood by family and friends with his word pronunciation. Instead of saying "Da da" Beckham says "Daddy". He used to refer to the family dog as "doddie" and instead now says, "doggie". He learns new words after hearing them only one or two times.
  • Beckham 3 Years of Age (USE)

    Beckham 3 Years of Age (USE)
    Beckham likes to call Grandma on the phone and he answers her questions. He is not a great conversationalist so Grandma does most of the talking. Beckham asks for "Good Night, Gorilla" every night as his bedtime story. Beckham will interpret the pictures that he sees in the book. He has a word for every thing he sees and is able to point to it or direct his Mom's attention to it.