• kerouac, ginsberg, lucien carr, john clellon holmes and neal cassidy meet at columbia

    kerouac, ginsberg, lucien carr, john clellon holmes and neal cassidy meet at columbia
    concerned with the conservative & formal academic world around them, kerouac, ginsberg & all began to create a new vision. a vision infused with the likes of rimbaud, artaud, the dadaists, the surrealists, and the like as well as the N.Y. criminal element such as herbert huncke. it was to be a new vision that did not toss out intellectualism but roughed it up a bit & got it drunk.
  • kerouac introduces phrase 'beat generation'

    kerouac introduces phrase 'beat generation'
    kerouac @ wikipedia.kerouac uses term 'beat' to characterize a perceived underground, anti-conformist, youth movement in N.Y.
  • ferlinghetti founds city lights bookstore.

    ferlinghetti founds city lights bookstore.
    ferlinghetti @ wikipediaan independent book publisher, city lights helped publish much beat literature. it most infamously published ginsber's 'howl.' in 2001 city lights became a public landmark.
  • a reading.

    a reading.
    poetry readings online: current & historic.philip lamantia, michael mcclure, philip whalen, allen ginsberg, gary snyder all read before 100 people (picture not of event).
  • howl.

    howl @ wikipedia. 'howl' is published by ferlinghetti. the poems book is a tour of the american belly via psychosis, sex, drugs, and the reincarnated spirit of walt whitman. it is most offensive to those traditional poets who had never been out of their university classrooms.
  • 'howl' obscenity trial.

    'howl' obscenity trial.
    trial information/transcripts. 'howl' went on trial for being obscene. the poems in the book were said to be both lewd and obscene.
  • gilligan kills the beats.

    gilligan kills the beats.
    maynard g krebs @ wikipedia though a number of the beats would go on into the 60s the beat movement seems to have run its course by the time maynard g krebs puts a nail in the coffin. and though the 60s shared some of the ideals & passion of the beats, the 60s failed to keep the intellectual milieu of the beats; opting, instead, for a dummed down ideal for their new vision.