Battles/Events of the Revolution

  • Townshed Act

    Townshed Act
    British put taxes on glass, tea, and paper.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    British put taxes on stamps, legal documents, letters, and this money was used for the French and Indian war.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Fight between British colonists and it was way over reacted.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Allowed British East India Co. sell tea directly to the colonists.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonists dressed up as Indians and dumped 340 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Intollerable Acts

    Intollerable Acts
    The Boston Harbor was closed, and six rules were put on the colonists after the Boston Tea Party.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    First battle of the Revolution. The British were directed to come to destroy America's weapons.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    It was planned to happen on Bunker Hill,but occured on Breeds hill. The British eventually won the battle, but it was very close.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    Washington brought his troops to New York, General Howe beat Washington and he had to go back to New Jersey.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Patriots crossed the Deleware and snuck up on the Hessians, and defeated them. It was a victory for the patriots.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    It was the turning point of the war, the French and Spanish joined our side, and it was the biggest victory.
  • Yorktown

    this battle was the last major battle of the Revolution. Cornwallis and over 7,000 British soldiers surrendered.